Sunday, June 18, 2006

Coming to grips, on this Father's Day

First of all, Happy Father's Day to all of the men who make the daily sacrifice called fatherhood. God Bless each of you and all that you do. Know that you are appreciated.

I spent most of yesterday with my father, who even at age 31 I still call "Daddy". I've been sitting here reflecting on the men that have been a major part of my life.

  • From birth there has been my Daddy. Always watching over me, checking up on me, cleaning up my messes, and just loving me no matter what. Always there. He's always been so patient and polite; always putting everyone else first, especially my sister, my mom, and myself.
  • Then around 7 or 8 years old there was my Pastor. Reverend H. F. Shepherd. He has always been THE earthly example of Christ for me. He was always the same no matter what day of the week you saw Him. He went home to be with the Lord a few weeks ago, and he will be missed in a way that can only be expressed through tears.
  • And exactly 10 years ago, the Lord brought me to be in a relationship with my husband. This man transcends the definition of a perfect husband. He gets up every morning and races me to get the kids up. He takes care of things before I even realize what needs taking care of. He is the knight in shining armour that I used to dream about, but never really thought existed. Never taking shortcuts, always doing things the right way for the love of his family.

I have tons of good days, and I have my share of bad days as well. But on this Father's Day, I am reminded to never stay blue for too long. For He has blessed me with 3 generations of men in my life that have all played a part in keeping me fixed on the heart of Jesus. The Lord has spoken to me through these men in different ways and I have been drawn nearer to Him because of it. This is why He is my favorite of all. My precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is the Father that loves us all unconditionally every single day of our lives. Has always been there and always will. I love You and thank You for my life and for You being in it, Lord.

Happy Father's Day


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