Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday Roundup

Anna Nicole update: By now, you may have heard some of the speculation that's beginning to circulate...maybe Anna Nicole's death wasn't an accident. Well, my first thought was that she may have intentionally poisoned herself, feeling that life had become too much. I hope with all my heart that's not what happened. Then there are those that surmise that Howard Stern may have had some part in this tragedy. Want to read something eerie? Here is a post from back in October 2006 in which Anna Nicole's mom gave her opinion on what may have contributed to the death of her grandson (Anna Nicole's 20 year old son Daniel). That speaks volumes as far as I'm concerned, but we will have to wait for the results of the evidence.

Prince the Shadow Puppet Man: Oh my friggin' gosh. More halftime Super Bowl controversy, except not really. No, what we have now are people who sit in a chair, eyes glued to the television set hoping to witness something at least as exciting as "Nipplegate 2004". The result is a complaint that Prince's act was intentionally lewd. Phallic-gate 2007...perfect. I take the position that the people who initially made this whole phallic-guitar comparison are the ones who have the lewd minds. I watched that halftime show about 3 times, and it never occurred to me that it was suggestive. I don't appreciate the insinuation that Prince Rogers Nelson has an obscene bone in his body. As far as I know, he has never done anything to warrant this type of conversation to take place. Okay seriously, who am I kidding?

Y&R: If you are not a fan of the soap opera, "The Young and the Restless" now would be a good time to jump on in and join the fun. This show is seriously good enough for prime time, and I'm not even exaggerating! The plot is so thick right now that I find myself trying to unravel it in my mind long after the episode has already ended. Four words: Sheila Carter...Carmen Mesta. There are some crazy intertwining of plots at hand that even those of us regular watchers will probably not be ready for. If you're not home during the day, please setup your DVRs. If you don't have DVR, you're dead to me. Oh, I kid, only because I love so deeply. :-)


Q100 update: I enjoy listening the morning show on Q100, a radio station here in Atlanta. The Bert Show is the best and they make my morning commute tolerable, even fun! Yet there is one DJ in particular that I wish would take up some other craft. Jennifer Hobby brings absolutely zero value to that show. She seems like a doll, and I'm sure she's a wonderful lady to be around. That doesn't mean she needs to be a radio DJ. Jeff brings the funny every single morning. His one-liners and quips are delivered with awesome timing on a regular basis. Even when he goes too far, or isn't as funny sometimes, he even acknowledges this in a hilarious way! Melissa and I haven't a single thing in common as far as I can tell, yet she is the grounding force on that show for me. She usually does a wonderful job of being able to separate her personal feelings from her overall job on the show. Even though I seldom agree with her from a general perspective, the woman always makes excellent points that I feel are well thought out and articulated brilliantly. And what can I say about Bert except that he is the glue that brings everything together. He has an amazing voice, his personality comes pouring out of the radio, and he just seems like a dynamic person that you could listen to for hours. And Jenn...well that's just it. She brings nothing to the show. She's not funny at all. She stumbles over her words a lot even while friggin' READING from a script right in front of her nose. Her voice is pretty, but not cut out for radio, in my opinion. I think that she would be better suited for television (with a very minor speaking role), since she's a very pretty lady and has some industry experience. I'll blog more later about why I chose today to specifically rant about my disdain with Jenn Hobby as a Q100 DJ.


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