What's a mom to do?
What a day! I picked my son up from school yesterday only to be told that he has pink eye. I noticed that his eye was slightly red when he woke up yesterday, but I figured that he may have slept hard or something. When he woke up this morning, he couldn't even open his eye until after I washed his face. I took the day off from work and kept the kids home with me. The following is a sample of what my day was like:
MOM!! MOM!! MOMMY!! WAAAAAH!! Let's watch Spongebob!!! No, Barney!! Turn on the Backyardigans...Flashcards...where are the flashcards?!!! And that was just during breakfast. My son literally followed me everywhere I went in the house. I didn't have one single solitary moment to myself today. Not one. He wouldn't even take a nap. When I took him to his room and left him there, he just called my name for about 60 solid minutes.
Later in the afternoon, the kids and I went to the urgent care facility for Olan to be seen by the doctor. He literally screamed his way through the entire appointment. The doctor even seemed taken aback. It's always telling when a doctor seems surprised at a child's behavior. Sigh.
It turns out that he has both pink eye AND an ear infection. Poor kid. No wonder he has been so clingy today. I have a splitting headache right now. I'm pretty hungry, but I don't have any energy to even nuke anything in the microwave. Looks like I'll be home with my son again tomorrow. Thankfully, the hubby will be home as well, as he already scheduled to have that day off. Hopefully the medicine will kick in overnight, and my little munchkin will be feeling a little better in the morning.
By the way...my daughter was a total champ today. She's the baby...not even 2years old yet, and I usually have to reign her in and chase behind her whenever we go somewhere. She was AWESOME today! Made things so much easier for me. Right now? She's calling my name over and over from her bedroom. A mommy's job is never done.
Oh my!! What a day! I hope Olan feels better today. :)
Thanks, Tom! He's much better already. So this has been a much better day all around. :-)
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