And I'll gladly stand up...
Most of the people that I spent time around while growing up would cringe to hear me utter anything closely resembling pride at being an American. When you are a young person and around the same ideas and conversations 98% of the time, you don't generally question anything you hear. You just accept it. I never thought to question why the people making the dissentious remarks about this country didn't fly off to, I don't know, say England, for example and take up residence there. When everyone around you is saying the same thing all of the time, it tends to become a part of you.
That is, until you are able to expand your horizons and hear different things. After I got married and began to build my own life as an adult, my perspective was broadened and I discovered that the mindset I had was completely unfounded. And based on the current state of my life, I would be a complete hypocrite to pretend that I was not completely ecstatic to be living in the US of A instead of some place else. I am only one person, and I can only speak for myself. I have been an American for 32 years. I have been afforded the same opportunities as all others of my age, gender, and lifestyle. I have always lived in a home, and grew up with two parents who have been happily married for almost 36 years now. I was able to take piano, ballet, and swim lessons throughout childhood. I was able to participate in every extra-curricular activity that I desired. I made excellent grades in high school and thus, was given the opportunity to go off to college. I chose to only attend 3 full years of college...just long enough to get all of the knowledge I needed to jump start my career goals. According to the State Census Bureau, my income alone is twice that of the average household. I waited to get married before moving in with my husband and having children. I have a job that I like very much, and a family that I absolutely love. They're called CHOICES. Most of the people that I know and hang around can say the same. Don't get me wrong, I've made a heck of a lot of bad choices as we all have, but the result of these bad choices are my own fault, and have nothing to do with this country or any oppressive tactics put forth.
What other country could I live in and be given such opportunities? Where else could I live in this world and not only pursue happiness, but with a little extra effort and elbow grease, actually be happy most of the time? I know that many people do not feel that they were given these opportunities, and for me to venture a guess as to why this is the case would be judgmental and out of line, I think. But I don't think that there is anything so special about me that gives me the opportunity to live the American dream. Again, they're called "choices" and making the rights ones most of the time will get you very far. So yes, I'm very proud to be an American and gives thanks and honor to God for all of the men and women that defend and protect our freedom everyday.
And there go the fireworks outside, almost on cue! There ain't no doubt I love this land...God Bless the USA.
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