10 Things I Like About Myself
I borrowed this idea from Liz's blogspot. The flaws are so much easier to keep up with that I forget sometimes that I actually have positive traits.
1) I smile 95% of the time. I am generally a very happy person. Even when I find myself feeling down, it doesn't take much for me to start feeling that happy energy that God blessed me with. And since smiles are contagious...
2) I make people laugh a lot. No, I'm not going to be booked at the Punchline Comedy Club anytime in the near future. But I have noticed that when I talk to my friends and family members, they usually seem very tickled and do a lot of laughing. Maybe that's because I'm usually so happy and full of laughter myself.
3) I'm a "glass is half full" kind of girl. A good friend told me today this morning that I'm the most positive person she's ever known. She said that whenever she feels down, she thinks of me and how I would smile and keep going. That was such a blessing to have her tell me that! :-)
4) I have natural talent, which compensates for my lack of drive, to some degree. I love that fact that WHENEVER I have been serious about anything for more than 2 weeks, I end up being successful at said thing. The things that I have superficial, temporary, spontaneous desires for usually fall by the wayside to join the heap of other superficial, temporary, spontaneous desires that have gone to die. When I put my mind to something and actually commit to it, it's a done deal, suckas (I'm channeling my friend Loyd).
5) I have great friends of all ages, races, nationalities, economic levels, and religions. I do not discriminate against anyone at all. Ever. I have my prejudices just like any other fallible human being. But I don't treat some people better than others because of who they are. I love that about myself. For example, I'm a black female Christian, and have lunch, and afternoon coffee daily with a white, male Atheist. He's become one of my best buds! We choose to focus on the things we have in common, not our differences.
6) I am able to support my family. I went from spoiled, daddy's girl to wife, mother, career woman, putting my husband through law-school chick. I'm quite impressed with this feat. Most of my friends tell me I'm crazy. I don't disagree with them. But I hope to soon be a crazy, attorney's wife who can leave a fortune behind for her family. Time will tell. :-)
7) I have pretty feet. I have spent my entire life HATING my feet. I've always thought that they looked like little wrinkled sausages. I never wore sandals or anything that would expose my feet for the horrid things that they were. In the blustering heat of Atlanta summers, I would always start every May the same way. I'd wear a pair of sandals and try to pretend I was okay with my feet. But I'd catch someone looking at them and feel embarrassed and never wear them again. Now, that I'm 32, my confidence has obviously soared. I wear flip flops all of the time without hesitation. I even draw attention to them with toe rings from time to time. :-)
8) I have great hair. I've known this since I was little, but now that I've had kids, watched my hair fall out 5 months post-partum, and watched all of it grow back, I realize how beautiful and healthy it is. I've done a lot of things with my hair over the past few years that have allowed it to have a break and grow back as long as it was when I was younger. It's way too hot to wear it down now that it's so long, but I love keeping the car windows down and letting it blow if it's cool enough to go without AC. :-)
9)I am wildly gorgeous. I love that about myself. It's awesome.
10) I am very encouraging to others. If things look bleak, you should call me. I am always looking at the bright side of things in every situation. I can find something positive about anyone. I am your cheerleader.

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OMG - I love this so much and I love you too! I may just have to sit down and try this also. Chrissy :-)
I'm so glad you came by and saw this and then decided to do it! Love #9! If you don't believe it, say it and act like it, who else will! ;)
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