Sunday, September 16, 2007

Kathy Griffin's Acceptance Speech

I may as well weigh in. This has been aired and discussed for over a week now, so anyone reading this has already heard about it. No need for me to cite Youtube or a news site for the story or video this time.

For those of you who are saying, "I don't understand what the big deal is.", I'll try to sum it up in a way that you may be able to comprehend. If you're an atheist, please try not to tell Christians when and when not to be offended. If you're straight, please try not to tell Gays when and when not to be offended. If you're white, please try not to tell blacks when and when not to be offended...etc. Just sit back and continue happily living your offense-free life.

If enough people got their undies in a bunch over the Snicker's ad that aired during the Super Bowl that offended gay people, I think that it should not a stretch to understand how millions of people who worship and honor a particular God can be offended by a person that says on live television across the world "Suck it" to this same recipient of honor and worship.

Still confused? The following image may help. Remove the word Jesus from Kathy's speech altogether. Pretend that she said, "So suck it, Allah!". No, she would NEVER have said that (and the same people clueless about why Christians are offended would never have deemed this acceptable, either) Why do I say this? Because we know that the day after she said something like that her mom would be receiving a package in the mail in which the contents would be comprised of a videotape of Kathy's head being cut off by someone named Ahmed and a note explaining that no one is to insult their god. So yeah, people (including Kathy) understand what reverence is, they just know that they can get away with insulting Christians and that most Christians will turn the other cheek since it is a religion of love and peace.

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At 9:38 AM, Blogger Chris said...

Amen girl! I couldn't have said it better. Thank you for standing up and saying what needs to be said.


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