Latest Developments in the Stacey Peterson case
Not sure if you have been keeping up with this or not, but Greta has been spending a lot of time discussing it during her 10PM Fox News show "On The Record". I usually find Greta's show to be a snooze, but I like her in general. She's an attorney by trade, and a pretty sharp one at that. Actually saying someone is a "sharp" attorney is like saying that someone is a "smart" mathematician. Kind of comes with the territory, huh? :-)
Well apparently we need to be watching "On the Record with Greta Van Sustren" this evening. She spends a lot of time getting information from former cop, Mark "I'm so racist that I framed a guilty black man named O.J." Furhman. According to Greta, Furhman has come across some information that no one else has thought of, or mentioned, at least. She doesn't want to "steal his thunder" so she won't disclose what this piece of information is.
Mark Furhman with "new" information. Sounds familiar...
Labels: crime, domestic violence, Greta Van Sustren
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