Outside of the CNN Center this morning we have...
...this guy.

Here are my concerns:
1) He appears to be homeless...why is he out waving a flag when he could be earning some money somewhere working?
2) Speaking of earning money, someone is clearly paying him. I would venture to guess that homeless people don't usually spend the few dollars they can scrounge up throughout the day buying poster-making supplies. Or American flags.
3) According to the sign, the feeling is that CNN is unfair to Bush & McCain. You're definitely entitled to your opinion, but I'm even more confused because...
4) Supporters of Bush/McCain/etc... wouldn't be waving an upside-down flag, would they?
I'm analyzing this while trying to work, and it's giving me a slight head jumble.
Labels: American flag, CNN, CNN Center, George Bush, John McCain, United States
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