Last weekend of summer

I've got a touch of insomnia right now. I started lying here reflecting on what I will miss about Summer when Autumn rolls in next week. I know that the signs of summer won't be completely gone for quite a while, and yes I reserve the right to interchangeably capitalize or lower case the names of the seasons as I see fit.
I love warm weather and long daylight hours to a fault. I always miss this once it begins to get bitter cold. I can never appreciate the beauty of summer until I'm looking back on it. How I will miss all of the pretty colors of summer. Makeup, wardrobe, plants...nothing pops quite like the colors of summer. You probably already know that I need blue skies and sun on my face to always be conscious of the endless possibilities of life. When the sky is gray and the air is cold, it's harder for me to stay in my "anointing" if you will. You'd think I was a plant.

I can't help but think about what the last few months of the year will bring. I usually get excited about this time of year. Halloween, Thanksgiving and even Christmas decor is everywhere. The kids and I had breakfast with my mom and dad last week at Cracker Barrel and my mom and I got in the holiday spirit just being surrounded by such beautiful ornaments and nice smelling candles. The oranges, browns, wintergreen, and chrysanthemum colored fabrics. The seasonal beverages such as warm apple cider and eggnog, and desserts such as pumpkin pie. This is the time of year that I always look forward to, and have for the past 33 years. So why do I feel slightly choked up about Summer leaving?
Part of it is just that I'll dearly miss the lazy, carefree days. Sitting out on the screen-in porch until 9pm, with complete, full on daylight the entire time. Dandelions and lightening bugs everywhere. These things keep me feeling young. I never feel too old to pick up as many dandelions as I can hold in my hands and blow as hard as I can. I always giggle to myself as the light, feathery florets drift to the ground. But this is only part of the reason.
Fall was rough on my family last year. We had a couple of major losses that knocked my immediate family off of our feet. It took me almost to Summer to get back to myself and feel some type of lease on life again. And here we are a couple of days away from Autumn. I'm not one to dwell on negative things, so I shouldn't start now. I think that this Fall will be one of the best yet. So many great things are still possible. I'm not just saying this because it sounds good either...I really believe that this year can still get better, even in the Fall. The hubby and I are going to take advantage of this last weekend of summer 2008. My parents will have the kids and we will be going to dinner and a movie hopefully.

Goodbye Summer. 'Til next year.
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