La Shawn's Friday Meme: At This Very Moment
La Shawn poses a series of questions that tap into the types of memories that most of us don't take or have the time to share with others. I enjoy reading about what's on everyone's mind! Also, I find it very cathartic to probe the psyche in this way.
Are you craving anything and if so, what?
I have a very strong craving for shellfish at the moment. I would pay a pretty considerable sum of money to have someone bring me some right now. I am also craving another trip to Orlando, FL. We usually go twice a year for a week at a time, and I will reiterate that I honestly spend the other 50 weeks of the year thinking about when I will get to go back.
What is the weather outside, and do you wish it would change?
It's pretty gloomy outside. We've had rain all week long, but thankfully it's much cooler outside than it has been (82-87 degrees or so). I live for sunny days!! Hmm...this may be a good indicator that I depend too much on external stimuli for my happiness. :-)
What two websites do you think you will go to next after you are finished here?
I will go back to La Shawn Barber's Corner to see if anyone else has commented yet! I'm sure that I will also be checking out Engadget and Slashdot several more times throughout the day as well.
Do you wish you were somewhere else and if so, where?
Right now, I wish that my entire family and I were on a 2 week cruise. I can honestly smell the salt from the ocean, and feel the warm breeze on my face right now! You know where else I'd like to be? It would make me very happy right now to be sitting in a classroom. My husband has gotten a Bachelor of Science and an MBA since I've been married to him, and is currently working on a Juris Doctorate law degree. I'm realizing now that I have put my educational goals on hold because I feel that out of the two of us, my hubby is more likely to attain success and wealth for our family. I'm nothing to sneeze at though, and I think that I should give it...the old college try!! HA! I'll be here all night; try the veal.
Do you wish you were someone else, and if so, who?
I thought long and hard about this one, and I can't think of someone else that I'd like to be. But going along with La Shawn's modification to the question, if I could look like someone else for about a week it would be rising star Paula Patton. Absolutely gorgeous.

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