Christmas at CNN
Update (8:30pm) - It was just waaay too cold to try and walk across to Centennial Park today. I have about 3 more weeks to give it another shot. Everyday that place appears more and more festive as I drive by on the way to and from work!
I was pleasantly surprised to walk from the parking garage into my building yesterday morning and see this:

Everywhere I look in this building there are beautiful Christmas decorations! And there are also empty offices. Hardly anyone is here, and I'm really enjoying the peace and quiet. It will get old soon, though, and I will start missing some of the people who are out this week. But, there's still work to be done, and it's kind of refreshing to be able to do my work at my own pace. It will end in about 6 days, but I don't mind this every now and again!
Next stop is across the street to Centennial Park and the Aquarium. I'm going to CP for Christmas pics, and I'll try to make it to the Aquarium to see if any news cameras are still there. Today marks the 1-year anniversary of the Aquarium opening it's doors for the first time. I LOVE being on television! :-) We'll see if time (and weather) permit this jaunt.
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