Monday, January 15, 2007

Angry, Self-Righteous Negro Hour

I decided to get off of my high horse this morning, and tune in to the MLK Commemoration Program at 10am. I was dreading it after the way that the 'black folks' behaved at the funeral of Coretta Scott King early last year. It's an annual program broadcast live from Ebenezer Baptist Church here in Atlanta, GA. that pays tribute to the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Except, not so much on the 'paying tribute' front anymore. I seriously believe that black liberals are going to spend the rest of the time President Bush is in office using every gathering of a bunch of black folks to bash the current administration.

When I turned on the television, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle was just arriving at the podium to speak. Apparently before he stepped up to speak, there had been much singing from the choir, and a lot of speaking/preaching from other guests on the program. Cagle stated excitedly, "Now that's what you call 'having church' huh?!" No one in the crowd responded at all. Why? Because they'd rather listen to John 'I'm worth billions and do not associate with blacks, yet I will still try to aid in convincing you that G W Bush hates you' Kerry, and watch him get full of the Holy Ghost and dance to the gospel music as though he grew up in a black, southern Baptist church or something. I know that's a run-on sentence, but I'm sorry. Kerry sucks more than my Bissell.

Once Cagle returns to his seat after a less than hearty welcome or reaction to his speech, Mayor Shirley Franklin steps up to the podium. She starts reading very loudly from a paper in front of her. She's reciting the words from Marvin Gaye's "What's Going On". She became even louder and more animated when she read the line "...war is not the answer." Give me a break, Shirley. The City of Atlanta is total crap. Black-on-black crime is still on the rise, potholes are still everywhere, and the city council is still full of self-righteous negroes parking their friggin' Jaguars in their 4-car garages, while blaming "the white man" for all the problems with the "black community". Ms. Franklin, please stop pointing at President Bush's flaws when yours greatly outnumber his, and all you run is a little city unsuccessfully trying to be L.A. When she finally sits down, Rev. Dr. Floyd Flake steps up to the podium. He goes on some tirade about George Bush and the war, and blah, blah, blah, and I'm over it.

These people are an insult to everything that MLK was and stood for. They aren't even worthy to carry his bags to the curb, let alone memorialize him for an hour in celebration of his birthday. What an affront to the legacy of a man who stood for so much more.

*climbs back upon high horse*


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