Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I'm beginning to get used to seeing somewhat high-profile people on a semi-regular basis. I'm doing my best to get used to seeing them walking in the same parking lot with me and through the specially designated employee areas with me as we enter CNN. I attend a spin class twice a week at the athletic club in the building where I work. So yesterday, I was on my bike getting warmed up waiting on the instructor to enter, and in walks Brian Jordan. He just walks in looking for a bike.

I look around the room to see if anyone else has noticed that Brian Jordan, one time joint Major League Baseball player (Atlanta Braves) and NFL player (Atlanta Falcons), was circling the room looking for a bike. I used to have a poster of this guy in my bedroom when I was in high school, for crying out loud! It turns out that everyone else was doing the same thing I was doing...looking around the room to gauge everyone else's reactions. Finally, Jordan left after realizing too late that you can't show up at 12:05pm for a 12:10pm spin class the first official week back to work from the New Year. (That's another topic worthy of it's own post!).

A litter later today, I'll update this post with a few of my celebrity encounters over the past 10 years; they've been interesting to say the least. :-)


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