December 20: Winter Solstice
Update (3:00pm)
I found some more accurate information on regarding Winter Solstice.
"In 2006 at precisely 7:22 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on December 21 (00:22 UTC on December 22) winter begins in the Northern Hemisphere and summer begins in the Southern Hemisphere." (read more)
Guess I jumped the gun a bit. :-)
For those of you that hate leaving home in the dark, and arriving home in the dark, keep your chin up! Today is December 20, which means that after today, our days will begin getting progressively longer. I went outside yesterday at 5:00pm to check my mail, and our mail delivery woman was just approaching my mailbox. She had her headlights on. That just doesn't make any sense to me.
In yesterday's mail, I received 2 of the 3 new books I purchased with the gift card that Chrissy L got me for my birthday. I bought Dale Carnegie's "Lifetime Plan for Success", Shelly Plettl's "If I Gotta Cook" cookbook, and Mark Helprin's "Winter Tale". I've already begun reading the Carnegie book.

After the holidays, I'll delve into the cookbook a little more. I have a friend who swears by it when she prepares meals during the week. She invited Chris and I over to dinner and the entree that she prepared came from this cookbook; it was DIVINE!

Today is Chris's last exam of the semester. This is also the day that we begin cleaning our house from top to bottom so that we can put up our Christmas tree. Yeah, I said it, we haven't put up our tree yet. One may ask "Why even bother this late in the game?" But we've got piles of wrapped gifts sitting in our living room for the kids that are waiting to occupy residency under pine needles.
Also, my strep throat issue has come back AGAIN. This makes the third time since October 30. Yes, I'm definitely starting to worry. Strep throat is nothing to play around with as it can lead to more devastating infections throughout the body if not treated properly. The only reason I haven't called my doctor this third time is because I don't want him to refer to me to a surgeon to have my tonsils removed. YIKES! I promise to take ALL of the medication completely...this time. Geesh.
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