Monday, September 24, 2007

Professor gives "Last Lecture"

This is an amazing story.

Many universities typically have what is termed a Last Lecture series, that gives professors a chance to give a lecture to faculty and students that implores them to hypothetically consider: "What wisdom would we impart to the world if we knew it was our last chance?".

What would you do if you knew you would not be here a year from now? What if you were completely healthy, but carried around with you the knowledge that you were dying? Well, look at Randy Pausch as a noble example. He is a Computer Science professor at Carnegie Mellon University and has been dosed with terminal cancer. He has three small children ages 5, 2, and 1.

This is not a hypothetical thought or lecture at all for Professor Pausch. First of all, if you are a parent, your greatest fear is the notion that you will never see your children again, let alone your soulmate! Couple that with the fact that Prof Pausch knows that in the near future his wife and small kids will have to go on without him. They will likely not remember him as times goes forward. Yet, he somehow had the courage and dignity to give a literal "last lecture" to the university a couple of weeks ago. He is expected to live for only a few more weeks, maybe months. God Bless him and his family; please keep them in your prayers.

Read the story here, and watch a few snippets of the lecture here.

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