Yucky Colds
It seems as if EVERY SINGLE TIME I say out loud "Wow, the kids haven't been sick in a long time; maybe their immune systems have built up more!" ...they always get sick within 2 days of my saying this. Every single time.
My son's class had a field trip to the Atlanta Children's Museum this past Thursday morning. My mom went with him as a chaperone. He began showing signs of being sick while they were at the museum, but the field trip didn't end for another few hours. My mom called me at work to let me know what was going on with my son. The Children's Museum is mere blocks away from the CNN Center where I work, so I just hopped in the truck and picked them up to take them back. The next day (Friday) my mom called me around 3pm to tell me that his fever had jumped up to 104.5! I was horrified. After that, my mom started pushing liquids non-stop and cycling ibuprofen and acetaminophen every 2 hours. My mom kept him at her house over night so that he wouldn't have to get out in the cold.
I decided to let my daughter sleep with me last night since her brother wasn't here and she was noticeably sad about that. As she was fading off to sleep, I felt her back and it was slightly warm. By 2am she was blazing hot. I started pumping her with liquids and acetaminophen. She woke up with a yucky sounding dry cough, but the fever was gone. My hubby gave her some more medicine before he headed off to school this morning (yes, he has class on Saturday morning). My mom called and said that my son is doing better this morning. They were supposed to be going to their cousin's birthday party this afternoon. I think that Elmo is going to be appearing there. I was SO looking forward to this. My daughter LOVES Elmo!! And it would have been nice to be able to see the family; they are always fun to hangout with.
I guess we'll be holed up in this house all weekend. Oh well, such is the life of parent's of young toddlers. :-)
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