Monday, May 05, 2008

Cinco De Mayo post

Feliz Cinco de Mayo, hombres! I found a really cool meme on one "Los Angelista's Guide To The Pursuit Of Happiness", one of my favorite blogs! Below are my responses:

Ten things I really liked when I was a teenager that I don’t much care for now:
1) McDonald's cheeseburgers
2) Watching basketball on TV
3) Pepperoni Pizza
4) Fuschia lipstick
5) Blue eyeliner
6) Mini-skirts
7) Talking on the phone for HOURS
8) Baggy clothing
9) Listening to CD's
10) Being alone a lot

Ten things I didn’t like when I was a teenager but I really like them now:
1) Reading
2) Running for exercise
3) My height - who knew being 5'9" would turn out to be attractive!
4) Being slim - in Black society this was frowned upon as a teenager; girls AND guys used to pick on me!
5) Children
6) Salads
7) Coffee
8) Going to church
9) Shopping
10) Being myself at all times

Ten things I've never liked and probably never will:
1) Broccoli
2) Intrusive people
3) Melons (Cantaloupe, Watermelon, Honey Dew, etc..., YUCK!)
4) Cigarette smoke (The fact that my grandmother ultimately passed away due to her cigarette habit further intensifies my hatred of cigarettes and their detrimental effect)
5) Materialistic people
6) Washing my hair
7) Right wing nuts and left wing moonbats
8) Painting my nails - I can never get it right!!
9) Too much sun or too much cold
10) Long commutes (I've never lived near my school or job; I'm growing weary of it)

Ten things I’ve always really liked and very likely always will:
1) My kids
2) Disney World
3) Tall guys
4) Northern accents
5) Listening to Spaniards having a conversation
6) Johnny Depp
7) Looking in the mirror
8) Great food (good Asian cuisine especially)
9) Diversity in thought and social interactions
9) Subtle humor
9) Nestle Quik Strawberry/Chocolate mix
10: Sleeping with the TV on

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At 1:53 PM, Blogger joel diaz said...

How the heck can you sleep with the TV on? I can take a nap, but I can't sleep an entire night with the TV on.

My personal favorite is talk radio while I nap.


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