Saturday, April 05, 2008

Chrisondra Kimble and Del Mattox

Today marks one year since the brutal killings of two precious young people. Two precious cousins of mine that I never got the pleasure to meet. Chrisondra "Sierra" Kimble and Delarlonva Mattox departed this life on April 5, 2007. I find myself thinking of them on a regular basis. I think about Sierra's mom "Buttons", and Dell's father, who he was named after. I am thinking about their beloved Aunt Vivian who I saw at my Grandmother's funeral a few months ago, and who is still in a grief-stricken state. How can they cope with something so horrible? I am speaking the Lord's prayers and comfort over them.

Last year was just a horrible year. Back in January I spoke about moving forward, and about how "2008 would be GREAT" but right now, it just hurts thinking about these two babies. I know that the Lord understands grief more than any of us here on Earth. He never promised us that we wouldn't experience the pain of loss, but He has always promised to be with us through it all. I know that He has been here. Thank you Lord for reminding me to trust you. Please bless all of the precious families who have spent the past year grieving their babies, spouses, parents, siblings, best friends, etc...

Family Tragedy (originally posted May 1, 2007)

I Haven't Forgotten You (originally posted August 14, 2007)

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