"The (warped) View"
I stopped being a fan of ABC's "The View" years ago, and it's a good thing too. Now that they have Rosie O'ChristiansAreEvil as one of the members of the panel, the show has become simply intolerable. I now understand why the show is called "The View". There's pretty much only 1 view! There are 4 women on the panel, 3 liberals and 1 conservative. Why not even the playing field by having 2 liberals and 2 conservatives since 4 divides by 2 so evenly? Why, you ask? Because The View is broadcast on ABC. This is the same network that edited "Path to 9/11" before it was broadcast this past Monday at the urging of Bill Clinton! ABC must stand for "Actively Being Cowards".
Anyhoo, take a look at this video clip from Tuesday, September 12. One full day after our country mourned/commemorated the 5-year anniversary of the worst US tragedy that our generation knows of, this spewed from Rosie's mouth. Please also note that the audience claps after Rosie makes the infamous comment. Enough said.
Video courtesy of michellemalkin.com.
I don't think Rosie hates all christians at all.
At least, I didn't get that from the clip.
She was definately referring to RADICAL christianity. Not the same thing as chrisitanity, in the same way that radical islam is not the same as the religion of Islam.
Radical christianity advocates the bombing of abortion clinics, etc. Whereas christianity advocates love your brother. You know what I mean...
I think Rosie has a problem with Christianity, and tries to morally equivocate "Radical" islam and "Radical" Christianity.
A few problems with that premise though.
Radical Islam is Islam in toto. It is a culture as well as a religion that is in contradiction with the percception apologists present. A religion cannot be of peace and call for the domination of others, and death for those that refuse said domination. Islam, not Radical islam, but Islam is still steeped in 7th century tradition. Male dominated, women are chattel, and death by the sword (or the bomb) is the ultimate social compliment.
Radical Christianity is actually fundamental Christianity. It holds a literal interpretation of the Bible, and considers the example of Christ as the model to follow. While Christ did not condemn anyone, he called people to reprentance and a life of obedient living to His example. So while Chrsitians hate the sin, the model is to love the sinner. Caring for the poor is part of the equation
of living a holy life in toto.
So, all one has to do to see the true essence of doctrines in question, one has to look at the model of Christ (One of peace, calling people to repentance, caring for the poor, and calling people to live morally accountable lives) and the model of Mohammed. Since I am not Muslim, I can only interpret essence of the doctrine that is displayed around the world in the form of the "Always outraged" jihad.
So Rosie is either blinded by her politics or extremely stupid. At worst, a Christian may vocally express displeasure with her lifestyle or insult her as being a degenerate. In an islamic country, she would be put to death or imprisoned.
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