Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Hump-Day Update

These days, I'm the busiest I've ever been in my life. This past weekend, I was out of town on a retreat with my church youth group. For the first time since I've gone on this annual retreat, it actually felt more like a nice vacation than work. I love those kids so much! Now I am back to work, and boy, oh boy, are we BUSY. We are working our little tootsies off setting up all of the CNN Elections coverage for the November 8 general election(which also happens to be my birthday!) Chris is extremely busy with school, and who would expect otherwise for a 1st-year law student. The kids are beautiful, healthy, and growing at least an inch everyday, it seems.

I'll try to resume my regular posting later today. In the meantime, check out Legalities and Emotions Part I, Part II, and Part III.


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