My friend Tom sent this to me earlier this week. I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Weird Al should be commended; this may be the funniest parody he's done to date.
I am a happily married mother of three adorable children. 2 boys and one girl. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 8 months; loving every moment of it! My husband is a corporate attorney here in metro Atlanta, so don't mess with me or I'll sue. I enjoy shopping for clothes, handbags, perfume, and makeup (not necessarily in that order). Also, much of the time that I'm not spending with my hubby and kids (or your local retailer) is spent reading. I'll stay up all night long reading a great page turner! My family and I visit Orlando, FL at least once a year and go to Disney and Universal. I spend the other 51 weeks of the year obsessing over said trip.
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