It's ALL about Facebook
Thanks to my friend Josh, I am completely, utterly, obsessed with Facebook. It's like a classier, more user-friendly Myspace. I love it! One thing that jumps out at me immediately as a plus is the absence of annoying ads featuring women (and men) wearing little to nothing. Also, it's truly interactive. An update is posted of every single thing that your friends do (i.e. added a new photo, added a new friend, wrote to someone's wall, etc...) There's no absurd limits on the size of each photo that you can post. And, you can actually import your blog from another site!
It doesn't feel grimy browsing your friend's facebook pages as it can when browsing Myspace. Maybe it's because Myspace is built to suit people who are more about "promoting" themselves, where facebook is designed to appeal more to people who like to share picures and memories with each other. Less bragging, and more sincere interaction.
If you're around my age, you'll also notice that facebook has a larger group of people in our generation than many of the other online journal sites. Check it out; I'm sure you'll be as pleasantly surprised (and possibly as obsessed) as I was!
isn't it great? i know that myspace is already huge, and that crowds can be fickle, but facebook is such a quality site! it works, it's updated with new features constantly (i don't think you've seen this yet, but for example, the feed, notes, mini-feed. "shares" and open registration were all added within the last 3 or 4 months. myspace hasn't released that many new features in the past two years!).
i just hope, for once, the better product will win out.
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