RIP James Kim
This was definitely one of the more heartbreaking stories that I've ever heard. I'm sure we were all following the story over the past week of the family of four that went missing. Senior Editor James Kim, his wife, Kati, and two daughters (4 and 8 months old) set out on the snowy roads after visiting relatives during the Thanksgiving holidays not knowing what awaited them.
I can't imagine what must have been going through the minds and hearts of this family after the first day went by, let alone the next 3 or 4. I'm sure there were times when they were certain that they'd never be found. The saddest thing about this story to me is the fact that James Kim more than likely died with the thought that he had failed his wife and children. Actually, Mr. Kim sacrificed himself to save his family, and that is more than anyone can ask for from another human being.
God Bless his family, friends, and co-workers.
CNN has a story which calls Kim's efforts to save his family superhuman
Michelle Malkin has more here.
Full story at
i was pretty shaken up by this story. i had so much hope that he would be found safe.
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