Weekend Roundup
The Good:
Work - This was an exceptionally productive week. I got about 10 different tasks completed this week that were each slated to take close to a week each to finish! Actually, I put in a lot of time in the evenings this week since I couldn't sleep due to Cassie's cold. Turner got their money's worth and then some out of me this week! :-)
Home - Cassie is feeling MUCH better now. This morning, I noticed that a molar is cutting through, so I wonder if that was a major contributing factor to her horrible cold. Praise God for two healthy kids! Also, Chris finally completed his oral argument this morning in front of a few judges. He called me to tell me that they were very impressed with him!! YAY!!
Church - Tomorrow might be the first day that I get to teach Sunday School in over a month!! You would really have to be in my shoes to understand the sadness that takes over me when so much time goes by without me seeing my kids. They are so honest, and full of innocence (regardless of their individual situations, they are still pure at heart at this point in their lives). I also miss my adult friends that I have very strong bonds with. My life has had a huge void for quite some time, and I will pray that this much time never passes without me seeing my extended family.
The World - I was very encouraged by the way political pundits on all sides have come together to lift up prayers and send well-wishes to Elizabeth Edwards, wife of presidential candidate John Edwards, who just found out that her cancer has returned in an incurable form, according to doctors. I am NO fan of John Edwards as a politician, but I was very proud of the way he and his wife stood together with such strength when making the announcement to the world. I wish God's blessings over the both of them as well as their family.
The Bad:
Work - Since I got so much accomplished, I've finally been pulled into the most high profile task going on at CNN.com in several years. This is great news to me, but I'm absolutely terrified due to the strain it has taken on several of my co-workers who are the best we've got at CNN. Do you believe that a few of them have actually quit due to the stress this task has caused? And they don't even have children!! YIKES!
Home - The house is a complete disaster. A wreck. The kids are napping, so once I post this, I will try to begin cleaning up this place.
Church - I feel very out-of-the-loop since I've been away for so long. I haven't been to any of the kids' plays, and I won't be able to attend ANY retreats this year since I've already used half my vacation time in the first quarter of the year! This makes me really sad. :-(
The World - Cathy Seipp passed away this week. She was a well-known freelance writer of the weekly column "From the Left Coast" for National Review Online. She succumbed to lung cancer on Wednesday, March 21, 2007. R.I.P. Cathy. My prayers go out to her family and friends. (Note: I'll post more about Cathy Seipp a little later. She and I definitely have something in common in our personal lives).
Wow, I hate to end on a bad note like that. Um, let's see...it's 82 degrees outside and I'm wearing summer clothes WOO HOO!!!
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