Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Developing Story: Shooting at CNN Center

**Scroll down for updates**

Within the past hour, two gunshots were fired within 20 feet of my work area. The story is still developing but apparently the shooter was a 19-year old who fired two shots at his girlfriend's face. He was said to have been dragging her up the escalator (that I use daily to go to the restroom) when he was apprehended.

The most amazing thing to me is that my car is in the shop today, so I decided to work from home. Coincidence? I think not.

Story: CNN.com

**Update 4:30pm**

Sadly, the female shooting victim has passed away. Even more tragic is that she is said to have been pregnant.

As I mentioned above, I worked from home today, so I wasn't right there in the middle of this event at work. I called my co-workers who sit within feet of my office to find out what the atmosphere was like at CNN today. Of course the response was completely varied.

I called one co-worker, and he stated that it didn't affect our group because it happened in the Omni Hotel.

Later I spoke with another co-worker, and he told me that they were all evacuated from our office and relocated into the CNN atrium temporarily! That doesn't sound good at all, considering our offices are supposed to be locked down and a safer location that the middle of the crowded atrium. This just shows you how close the office I work in is to the location of the shooting. Our group was safer out in the food court than we would have been inside of our own access entry only office.

Then I look up at the TV and see my boss being interviewed by one of our anchors! He was apparently able to see the entire thing since he was on his way back into our office from lunch at the time of the shooting. He stated that he heard a loud gunshot, and that EVERYONE in the newsroom began running!

You see, this is why you can never listen to only one person's version of things. Always ask around for a second and third opinion on things. :-)


**Update 8:45pm**

More sad news. The victim was an employee of the Omni Hotel which means she was a fellow Turner Employee. I'm sure more will come out about this throughout the remainder of the week. My prayers go out to her family.

Read what a colleague of mine at CNN.com posted this on their blog earlier this afternoon:

CNN Center Shooting

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At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my gosh...i just rushed over to your blog to make sure you were ok.
all i saw on digg was "woman shot at cnn center". wow!

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my... thank God you didn't have to be in the midst of that!

At 9:21 AM, Blogger tamigill said...

Josh - Thanks so much for the concern! I really appreciate that. :-)

Mark - It was literally right around the corner from my office...too close for comfort for sure! Can't imagine if I'd been in the office.


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