Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Very tough day


Please also head over to The Thomas Chronicles to read a moving account of the VTech professor who risked, and ultimately gave his life for the safety of his students. He lived God's second greatest commandment to the fullness of its intent. "...'Love your neighbor as yourself' Matthew 22:39

Now that we are beginning to have names and faces associated with the victims of yesterday's horrific tragedy on the campus of Virginia Tech, there is a heaviness that gets added to the sadness felt by so many across the country.

I think about the days and nights I used to skip across the campus of University of Georgia back in the nineties. I felt so free, happy, and safe. In fact, my safety never even popped into my mind. It was a given. Nothing can happen to a young, innocent 20-year old girl just enjoying her life and eagerly preparing for her future, right? I would imagine that many of these precious youngsters felt the same thing before this madman struck and robbed them of what was most sacred...their lives. I am also devastated for the brilliant professors that we lost yesterday as well. My heart, my thoughts, my prayers are with you Virginia Tech.

More info:
I found this on Michelle Malkin's site; a tribute to one of the slain youngsters (he's in the middle)

Tons of info on the shooter over at HotAir

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