Sunday, August 19, 2007

Spousal Advice of the Day

My husband gives the best advice. The times that I have heeded it, I have been saved lots of heartache and potential disaster. The Lord has blessed him with a lot of foresight and wisdom that most people just don't have. As an example, I think of all of the times years back that he told me not to worry over certain stressful situations at work with certain people based on what he knew would be the resulting outcome. He was right EVERY SINGLE TIME. I can now sit back and smile when I think of the people that I could wasted my time stressing over who are now having to face the consequences of their actions. I am not smiling due to happiness that they are suffering; it's purely a satisfaction that the Lord is true to His word and will not be mocked. Ever.

This afternoon, the hubby and I discussed my goals for our family and my career. He noted that I have a propensity toward living my life on a roller coaster...only highs and lows. I don't live my life with a normal, natural progression of learning and growing as I should. For example, I decided last week that by the end of August, I want to complete two technical books that I own (high). So I was planning to read two technical books, take care of my two toddlers, keep my house in order, work 40 hours per week, and spend time with my family and friends from time to time. My husband pointed out that this would leave me NO time for sleeping, eating or exercising. LOL! But if he hadn't pointed this out to me, I would have attempted this feat doomed for failure, and by mid-September, I'd be convincing myself of why I suck and will never, ever be successful (low). This is the story of my life; it's so cyclical. At the end of each cycle, I'm that much more convinced that I will never successfully reach my goals.

So my soul-mate gave me sage wisdom that I want to share: less is more. We can all stand to improve. Choose one thing to improve upon, and focus on that one thing. The key is to get better, and that only happens gradually. Okay, sure, if pack your brain with a lot of information at once you may pick up enough knowledge to impress others temporarily. But long-term, how productive will you really be with bits of knowledge that you rushed through? Exactly.

Hopefully this advice will actually stick, and won't roll off and out of existence as soon as I get to my desk tomorrow morning. Because heeding this advice could really be what I've needed for a very long time.

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