Monday, September 24, 2007

Ahmadinejad's take on things

Update (9/25/07 - 8:50am)

After reading Patterico's blog this morning I realize that I forgot to mention something. Look at this video to see the reaction of the audience (and the dean) once Ahmadinejad finished speaking. Unbelievable, these people.


I've been ever so slightly annoyed over the past few weeks about the fact that the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was welcomed with open arms to speak at Columbia University today. Yes, Columbia University, home of the full-on assault on Jim Gilchrist, Minutemen Project co-founder, and several other minutemen a year ago. (See here for info).

A co-worker of mine came down to my work area and we watched the CNN coverage of Ahmadinejad's speech at my desk. We scoffed when President Bollinger stepped up to the podium spewing his BS. This is the same University president that didn't punish the students responsible for assaulting the minutemen that I mentioned above. Suddenly, Ahmadinejad was asked a question about the treatment of women and homosexuals in his country. I don't know what question he answered, but it wasn't that one. My co-worker and I gave one another knowing glances. Why did he avoid that question? So the person posed the question to Ahmadinejad again, "What do you have to say about your country's treatment of women and homosexuals?" His response? "In Iran, we don't have homosexuals, like in your country." *Laughter* *Boos* My co-worker and I looked at one another wide-eyed! Ahmadinejad went on to say something along the lines of homosexuality being an US phenomenon. (Um, that's because homosexuals are stoned/hung in Iran...there are none left) But seriously, what say you, liberals? President Bollinger? Bueller?

Oh and never mind the fact that Ahmadinejad wants more research to be done on the Holocaust so that we can determine if it actually happened. ??????

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