Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Attitude of Thanksgiving

It's so easy to think about what we don't have, isn't it? I wish I had a bigger home so that my kids could have more room to run around. I wish we had more money so that we wouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck. I wish I had nicer clothes, more shoes, and trendier handbags, and on, and on, and on.

Thinking like this removes any focus at all on the things that we should be thankful for. I think about the fact that we spend all day taking and demanding. Why do we think we deserve so much? The Lord has provided my family with so much, and yet today I found myself throwing a little pity party for myself. You see, I was watching Oprah this afternoon because I heard it was taped in Macon, GA, a small town about 45 minutes south of my home. The show was a surprise episode of "Oprah's Favorite Things". She lavished the members of the studio audience with all kinds of AMAZING gifts. From tubs of yummy blood orange sorbet from Ciao Bella, to brand new $3K refrigerators made by LG. I actually sat there and cried during the first 7 or so minutes of the show, which was just bizarre. Looking back on it, I think I was just letting go of some of the tightly-wound emotion associated with the self-pity I've been feeling lately.

What am I feeling sad about? There are some things that are truly heart-breaking and tough to deal with, like my grandmother being bed-ridden in the hospital for the past month. But what about all of the things that I have to be happy about? I have two healthy kids. The most important thing to me on this earth besides my wonderful soulmate are my precious babies. They are my world. I do not take their health, happiness, and endless potential for granted. I have parents and other family members and friends who help us financially from time to time. Where would be be without them? All of our bills are current, I have the most amazing job ever, and a great church family. We have a refrigerator downstairs that is filled to capacity with loads of items to be cooked tomorrow night in preparation for our official national day of thanks. I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving Day. I am ready to make a formal declaration to God that I am so thankful for all that He has done, and that I will do all that I can to never take his blessings, grace and love for granted ever again.

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