My Firstborn
I can remember Olan's birth as vividly as if it were yesterday. It was a chilly Sunday afternoon on December 14, 2003 at 12:01pm. He entered the world with his eyes already open, looking EXACTLY like his daddy! From that day forward, he has brought me nothing but supreme joy.

When he was 4 days old we took him to see his pediatrician for the first time. On the way back from his appointment, a very old song from the late 70's called "Never Knew Love Like This" by Stephanie Mills was playing. I felt that it was appropriate for what I was feeling. I had never understood the true depth of unconditional love until he arrived. Every little thing that he does every single day is so adorable to me. Even through the terrible two's, I still found that I had to restrain myself from hugging him every few minutes. He is just that precious to me, and I can't imagine what life was like before he got here.

He is 3 years old today. I get emotional just thinking about where the time has gone. I overheard Chris talking to Olan a few days ago, telling him "I remember when you were a few weeks old and you would take naps on my chest." There is nothing like witnessing the emotion Chris feels for Olan; his birth was truly the first time I ever saw Chris unsure how to keep himself composed.

I thank God everyday for my precious, beautiful babies. Not just because of the joy that they bring me, but also because of all that I have learned about how to love more. I have really enjoyed being a part of this club called Motherhood. Thank you, Olan, for making the journey the last 3 years so easy, wonderful and fulfilling. Mommy loves you!!

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