Things I Learned on 2/27/10
I am a moron when it comes to keeping my gas tank filled. I ran out of gas while driving on the interstate yesterday. This is the second time in less than two months that this has happened. This is a sign that a) I am scatterbrained as hell, and b)well, I think scatterbrained covers it.

You should always have tow cable in the bed of your truck Once I realized that I ran out of gas, I quickly pulled over to the side of the road, but my entire truck settled into a muddy embankment. My tires were completely submerged to the point where even if/when I got gas, I couldn't drive the car out of the "pond" it was parked in. One of the guys that pulled over had a cable and hooked it to the front of my truck and the back of his. He drove and I steered my truck out of the murky embankment with zero problem. He then sat there until GDOT Hero unit appeared with enough gas for me to make it to the next exit and fill up. Thank God for angels on earth!
I'm scatterbrained as hell. Just thought the situation warranted me stating this once more, for the record. At least none of my kids were with me this time.
I MUST do better.
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