Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tragedy at Six Flags Over Georgia

This story sounds like something that could only happen in a horror movie. A teen visiting Six Flags Over Georgia with his family yesterday as part of their church group was killed after being struck by the Batman roller coaster. According to witnesses, as reported on, he was climbing a fence hoping to retrieve a lost item (other witnesses state that he was trying to touch the ride). No matter what his motivation, while he was atop the fence the coaster came barreling down the tracks and pulled him from the fence. At some point while he was still attached to the ride, he became wedged between the coaster and some type of stationary pole. He was instantly decapitated.

This is such a horrific tragedy and my heart breaks at the thought of what his parents, siblings, friends, and church community must be going through. Please remember them in your prayers. Video

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Funny moment of the day...maybe

I know it's been a while. Once a few days go by without blogging, I start to lose the urge. I got a chance to be funny today.

One of my friends from college is in the Air Force, and he and his family are currently stationed in Tokyo, Japan. There was a very big earthquake in Japan last week, and according to the news, people in Tokyo could feel it also. I sent him an email to check on him and his family. The following is the conversation as it transpired:

Me: Are you and the family okay? I heard about the earthquake last week.

Him: We're all fine. Even though it was a big one, we didn't feel a thing.

Me: That's what SHE said!!!

Him: (crickets)

Well, he hasn't responded yet, but hopefully he'll get it. Nothing gives me more joy than making a funny every now and then.

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

An Historic Moment: Obama Clinches Democratic Nomination

If I had a million dollars, I would have bet it all that there's no way a black man could become a viable candidate in a presidential election in the United States of America. Low and behold, the people have spoken, and proved me wrong, yet again.

In a country where blacks are usually looked down upon, relegated to the lowest levels in society, have the lowest expectations placed upon them, a Black man actually has a fighting chance to end up becoming our next President; president of the most powerful nation in this world we live in.

Am I proud? Damn right. Will I vote for him? Probably not. But I'm still going to enjoy the moment. "We" don't get moments like this very often at all, so I will be relishing it for a little while.

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Reason # 31 Why Bill O'Reilly cracks me up

I know a lot of people hate this guy. Compared to Nancy Grace, I think the guy is harmless. I only watch his show if I'm in need of some comic relief. I don't take him or his show too seriously. Actually, there are a lot of good stories covered on "The O'Reilly Factor".

Nevertheless, as someone who has had to go through with anger-management intervention in the past, I definitely recognize my fellow brethren. This video from O'Reilly's "Inside Edition" days is bi-polar disorder at its best. No offense to those who actually have real bi-polar disorders.

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Monday, June 02, 2008

MTV Movie Awards reax

I think it's ridiculous that this show still airs every year. Even more ridiculous that I sit in front of the TV with a bowl of popcorn watching it every year. :sigh:

Here goes:

Was hugely stoked about Mike Myers hosting the show. Expected to be doubled over in laughter for most of the show. Instead I was mostly "meh". Oh well, maybe I'm just old.

I saw Carson Daly in the audience. I think Sally Struthers should do a "Feed the Carson's" commercial. Dude, seriously. Eat something.

Chris Brown rocks no matter what's going on. And I love that he was wearing a blue and red version of the outfit from "Billie Jean".

Loved Jason Bateman's use of the word "tight". I used to use that in...umm...high school maybe? Figured it was about time for it's use to become "mainstream".

LOVED the Anton Chigurh look-alike sitting in the audience, threatening to walk up onstage and kill any celebrity who went "1 second over the alloted 60 seconds" for their acceptance speech. Although I was then saddened that no one could fly Javier Bardem here to be Anton Chigurh for real.

Someone should stage an intervention for Liv Tyler. I'm sure she was high last night.

Coldplay. Love the song, actually! Very U2-esque. Hated Chris Martin's rainbows and moonbeams jacket. Dude, inappropriate.

Yay! Jon Favreau stepped onstage with Downey Jr to accept the award for Iron Man!! He wrote "Swingers", and is best friends with Vince Vaughn. Thus, he rocks my world forever.

Jennifer Hudson, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Jennifer Hudson's boobs all appeared on stage together. JHud's boobs had their own microphone and even brought their own guest to the show, I believe.

My hatred for Usher grows with each promo featuring him and his "In Da Club" song. Get off my TV, Usher. Now.

OMG!!! Wayne's World!! Wayne's World!! Party Time!! Excellent!! I wasn't expecting Myers and Carvey to do this. I didn't think the night would get much better than this. I was wrong. **

Steve Carell, The Rock, and Anne Hathaway were all on stage at the same time. Steve Carell and The Rock are arguing over how close Steve Carell is to the microphone. Carell yells "I think I can handle it". Someone in the audience yells "That's what she said!!" Ahhhh...classic moment. Brought a tear to my eye.

** OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! Johnny Depp!!! *collapses to floor* Who flew his fine self all the way from France to be here??!! He even washed his hair and everything! And again, why couldn't they fly Javier Bardem here?

Tom Cruise, Adam Sandler...meh. I kinda like Sandler, but I've slowly outgrown his silliness. Love me some Rob Schneider though. "You Can Do It!!" :-)

The "Tropic Thunder" guys were cracking me the heck up!! I'm starting to dig Downey Jr, even though he has several priors. Jack Black ALWAYS brings the funny, and Ben Stiller is one of my favorite members of "The Frat Pack". Overall, I was pleased with their skit!

P.Diddy should sell one of his yachts and hire a personal trainer. And a low-carbs chef. Not being superficial, just sayin'.

Johnny Depp won another award!! I had calmed down by this time. AND he won for best villian when CLEARLY that should go to Javier Bardem.

Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls looks like Kim Kardashian to me. And I've never seen them in the same room at the same time. Hmmm...

Everything else was a blur. Just like me to give up on the last 10 minutes of the show after putting in a full hour and 50 minutes.
