Friday, November 30, 2007

Georgia mom kills her children in store bathroom

This story is so brutal and horrific. Now that I'm actually a mom, it's a lot more difficult to be critical of other parents. I try to keep my initial thoughts to myself when I read news stories about neglectful moms. I think to myself, I could do a much better job myself, so who am I to judge.

Then I read a horrific story like this, and I have to stifle the ill-will I feel in my heart. Even though I empathize with any over-worked, tired mom, I can't imagine what can bring you to end your children's life this way. It's hard to even think about too deeply.

I will also never forget "Baby Grace" whose identity was finally revealed this week. Her name is Riley Ann Sawyer, and hearing the details of this sweet-faced child's death sicken me to my stomach. God, please bless and protect our children today, even from their own parents if need be.

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RIP, Latasha Norman (1987 - 2007)

Her life and well-being was considered very valuable to very many people. Just as valuable, in fact, as the life of Natalee Holloway, Stacy Peterson, and a host of other missing young Caucasian women who have received constant national news coverage. Her contributions to this world in her very short life won't be forgotten and have touched many people.

Story here.

By the way, I haven't forgotten about my intentions to create a thoughtful, intensive post about this. It's coming. :-)

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Real Life Drama: Update

Remember the situation that the kids and I were involved in a few weeks ago? I am not exaggerating when I say that every other day or so since then I have been receiving phone calls and emails asking me if I'm okay; even as recently as today. There have been no less than 30 individuals overall who have approached me about this situation that they saw on the local news. This afternoon I found it interesting to reflect on how my friends and family reacted after seeing or finding out about this news story:

1) Most of the people who called to check on me actually waited at least a few days before contacting me. They all said the exact same thing: they figured that so much was going on and I probably didn't want to be bothered. They guessed that I would just want to spend time with my family. Most of them sounded really shaken, even though they already knew I was okay by the time I spoke with them. Their genuine concern really meant a lot.

2) A few people contacted me the same evening or the very next morning! These individuals are not people that I'm in intimately close relationships with (i.e. My VP, a few of my managers, friends from middle/high school, etc...) It was so thoughtful for them to get in touch with me immediately, even though I'm not in close personal relationships with them.

3) A few of my friends didn't know about it until I brought it up to them. Some of them responded in anger that they missed out on the opportunity to be there for me during the situation. That meant a whole lot as well. Seriously, it feels wonderful and is very comforting to know that people care.

My favorite of all, though, is my hairstylist. I spoke with him over the phone today; here's a snippet of the conversation:

Stylist: "Girl, did I see you on the news a few weeks ago?"

Me: "YES!! OMG, drama right??"

Stylist: "Girl yes! But I was happy for you."

Me: "Oh, thanks!"

Stylist: "Yes, your hair was looking fierce that night!"

ROFL!!! I LOVE my stylist. :-)

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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

CNN YouTube Republican Debate

I'm really sleepy right now, but I'm watching a little of this. The fact that the website that I help develop and maintain on a daily basis is providing this debate to the entire country right now is pretty overwhelming.

The debate is taking place in St. Petersburg, Florida. Anderson "Bringin' Sexy Back" Cooper is hosting. 5000 viewers videotaped questions for the Republican candidates ahead of time, and submitted them via Many of the videotaped questions get displayed via large screen in front of the candidates and, of course, the viewers. Here are a couple of tidbits:

Immigration question was posed. Romney accused Guiliani of being too tough. He actually asked Guiliani if he felt that if you use an employment service to hire individuals and one of them has a "funny accent", if you should go up to them and ask to see their papers. Guiliani said he thought it was interesting that Romney was being so "holier than thou" when Romney was actually hiring and harboring illegal aliens on the regular. Zing!

Rudy Guiliani was booed during his response to a question regarding gun-control.

Anderson Cooper really pressed Romney on "Don't Ask Don't Tell". In fact, Anderson was almost a little "pissy" with Romney, for lack of a better word. Mmmmm hmmmmm.

Keep up with everything here.

Also, Michelle Malkin live-blogged the debate.

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Con-Air come to life

Con Air is one of my favorite movies. I found it gripping and also quite comical. (Read plot summary here) It's one of those movies that you watch and think to yourself, "Surely, that could never actually happen."

This story on reminded me that art imitates life. I'm just saying that I'm really glad that I don't live near Albion, Pennsylvania.

Story: []

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SO much to talk about!

I've gotten really behind at work over the last few days, so I'm going to spend the day getting caught up. As soon as I get a break, I'll rattle off a few posts here. There's so much going on and you know that I wouldn't be Tami if I didn't weigh in. :-) I'll be back! (said in thick German/Austrian accent).

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pre-Thanksgiving preparations

Every year since I've been married I've always spent the Monday and Tuesday of Thanksgiving week "talking" about how I plan to spend ALL DAY Wednesday slaving over a hot stove. And sure enough every year for 7 years, I have spent the Wednesday before Thanksgiving the exact same way: lounging in front of the TV with snacks and soda. Today marks the first time that I've ever actually followed through with my original plan.

My grandmother is still in the hospital (although we're finally starting to see some real progress!!) so my mom and dad were not able to cook dinner this year. This is the first time in my entire life that my parents haven't cooked Thanksgiving dinner. Every year, my parents take care of the bulk of the cooking, while my sister and I coordinate on who will bring which side dishes. I am famous for both the macaroni and cheese and the potato salad that I prepare. This year, I also cooked cornbread dressing and sweet potato souffle (which I actually made last year for the first time as well). My hubby is very honest, and I sometimes dread his comments if I ask his opinion of what I prepared. I need his honesty so that I can get better, but after spending 9 hours cooking, sometimes it can be tough to deal well with criticism. I know that he hates cornbread dressing, but that happens to be my favorite Thanksgiving dish. He tasted it, and he actually said that was the best dressing that he had ever tasted in his life. YAY! I know that the macaroni will be the bomb along with the other dishes. But I was really concerned about how that dressing would turn out. My hubby is preparing greens w/smoked turkey and has already bought the turkey from Honey Baked Ham.

So the complete menu consists of: Turkey, cornbread dressing, macaroni & cheese, greens, sweet potato souffle, cornbread, potato salad, cranberries, and Dutch apple pie a-la mode. And this is only for two adults and two toddlers. How do those grandmothers with about 40 different people rolling through their house get everything prepared? They must begin cooking Thanksgiving dinner on Halloween or something.

Hard to believe that this year is winding down. If we make it to December 31 unscathed I'll begin obesessing over our Spring Break trip to Disney next March before we know it. :-)

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Attitude of Thanksgiving

It's so easy to think about what we don't have, isn't it? I wish I had a bigger home so that my kids could have more room to run around. I wish we had more money so that we wouldn't have to live paycheck to paycheck. I wish I had nicer clothes, more shoes, and trendier handbags, and on, and on, and on.

Thinking like this removes any focus at all on the things that we should be thankful for. I think about the fact that we spend all day taking and demanding. Why do we think we deserve so much? The Lord has provided my family with so much, and yet today I found myself throwing a little pity party for myself. You see, I was watching Oprah this afternoon because I heard it was taped in Macon, GA, a small town about 45 minutes south of my home. The show was a surprise episode of "Oprah's Favorite Things". She lavished the members of the studio audience with all kinds of AMAZING gifts. From tubs of yummy blood orange sorbet from Ciao Bella, to brand new $3K refrigerators made by LG. I actually sat there and cried during the first 7 or so minutes of the show, which was just bizarre. Looking back on it, I think I was just letting go of some of the tightly-wound emotion associated with the self-pity I've been feeling lately.

What am I feeling sad about? There are some things that are truly heart-breaking and tough to deal with, like my grandmother being bed-ridden in the hospital for the past month. But what about all of the things that I have to be happy about? I have two healthy kids. The most important thing to me on this earth besides my wonderful soulmate are my precious babies. They are my world. I do not take their health, happiness, and endless potential for granted. I have parents and other family members and friends who help us financially from time to time. Where would be be without them? All of our bills are current, I have the most amazing job ever, and a great church family. We have a refrigerator downstairs that is filled to capacity with loads of items to be cooked tomorrow night in preparation for our official national day of thanks. I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving Day. I am ready to make a formal declaration to God that I am so thankful for all that He has done, and that I will do all that I can to never take his blessings, grace and love for granted ever again.

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Weight Management: Figuring It All Out - UPDATE

It's amazing how much can change in 3 weeks. When I last posted about my weight issues, that was the most frustrating thing in my life at the time. I was so disgusted with myself for getting up to 167 lbs, and I wondered how long it would take me to get out of these size 10 jeans and back down to my size 6 jeans. I also wanted to determine what factors in my life cause or contribute to my bad eating habits, reduction in amount of exercise, and subsequent weight gain.

The past 3 1/2 weeks have been full of stress. My grandmother's illness, the death of my dog Sheba, and concern over our current financial situation have left me with little appetite. Before these events kicked in, I had started making it back to the gym about twice per week doing "sprints" on the treadmill. You burn calories/fat all day long, and for days afterward when doing this type of cardio training. Couple this with the fact that I probably have only been getting about 300 calories per day, at most. I just haven't felt like eating anything at all. I've only felt like sulking. Oh yeah, I mentioned taking the diet pills in the last post, but I had a hard time getting adjusted to them and my sleep was altered too much, so I stopped taking them all together.

I weighed 167 lbs on October 24, the date of my last weight post. I weighed myself in the gym yesterday. I weigh 153 lbs. I have lost 14 lbs over the past 3 1/2 weeks. I lost an average of 1.64 lbs per day. That almost seems impossible to me. I'm back in my size 8 jeans again. Now it's time to really focus on eating several small healthy meals throughout the day, drinking tons of water, and exercising daily. Again, weight-loss due to stress isn't recommended. My waist is non-existent which I love, but I'm not as firm and toned as I'm used to being when I'm this size. Being skinny is fun, but who wants to be skinny and flabby? No, that's simply NOT cute.

I'll keep you updated on this ongoing issue. :-)


Real Life Drama

Most of you have already heard about the episode that occurred in my life this past Wednesday, November 14. Have you ever had SO much to say that you didn't know exactly how to even begin? Yeah, me too.

This past Wednesday I left work at 3:30pm to go visit my grandmother who is still in the hospital. I left the hospital at 5:15pm to go pick up the kids. You may remember from a previous post that since my mom's retirement, she has been watching my daughter during the day while I work. After my grandmother got sick and became hospitalized almost a month ago, I started taking my daughter to the home of Mrs. Thomas, her friend and fellow church member. Mrs. Thomas runs a daycare in her home. She called me about 5:25pm to inform me that I would have trouble getting down her street because something was going on which required the DeKalb County SWAT team to block off her street. I thanked her for letting me know, but I figured that by the time I got there at 6pm to pick up the kids, whatever was going on would be long over. I was wrong.

Instead of typing and typing, I'll just post the video here. Everything ended safely. DeKalb County SWAT team is the best. They were so loving and gentle with the kids. My one regret is that I didn't get the chance to thank them for the way that they handled everything. Thanks to those of you that I spoke to while this was going on; you helped me keep my nerves calm. Also want to thank the VP of my division at work who actually emailed me immediately after watching the news story. He told me to take a free day and spend it with my family (just another reason why I know that I'm blessed to be working at Turner).

Video coverage DURING the standoff (You will see me being interviewed)

Video coverage AFTER the standoff (You can see me carrying my daughter, and my dad carrying my son)

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Very rough time for Kanye

I can't imagine the grief of suddenly losing your best friend, most ardent supporter, and the one person who stuck by you through thick and thin all rolled into one. Losing a parent is a grief that I'm sure one can only understand once they experience it. Over the years, rapper Kanye West has always been extremely vocal about his love for his mom and all that he has gone through to provide a great life for him. His mother, Dr. Donda West, was chairman of the English dept at Chicago State University. She quit her job in early 2000 to help Kanye manage his career. As my hubby pointed out yesterday, that was quite the profitable career decision she made!

Donda West passed away on Saturday, apparently due to complications from cosmetic surgery. This is a very sad story, and I know that Kanye can't be doing well at all right now. I've always been one to mock/tease him for many things that he has said and done in the recent past. But for now, my heart truly aches for him. There's a doctor named Dr. Andre Aboolian that was approached by Ms. West to receive cosmetic surgery months ago, and he wouldn't perform the surgery due to his concern over a preexisting medical condition she had. The doctor who ultimately performed the tummy tuck and breast reduction is Dr. Jan Adams, and is under a powerful microscope now (no pun intended?)

Read the rest of the story here.

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Sketchy details

Interesting story circulating right now. A Louisiana State Representative made a racially insensitive comment to a black woman this past Thursday evening during a phone conversation. Representative Carla Blanchard Dartez was calling Hazel Boykin, mother of a local NAACP president, to thank her for driving voters to the polls. Read story here

This is a strange one. Who randomly refers to someone that they barely know as "Buckwheat" during the end of a phone conversation? I'm guessing that the conversation was a cordial one based on the reason that the phone call took place at all. Was this simply a Freudian slip? It would be nice if more info becomes available about this. reported this story as well this afternoon. At publication, the WDSU story they linked to did NOT mention Mrs. Dartez's party affiliation. It looks like WDSU first posted the story at 12:48pm, at which time the party affiliation was conveniently omitted. However, the story was republished at 4:21pm, and you will notice that there is mention of the fact that Dartez's husband is a member of the Democratic Party's State Central Committee. I guess one could infer from this that Carla Dartez is also a Democrat, but it definitely reeks of round-about reporting. Let me go now and figure out how to deal with the shock of this. </sarcasm>

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Monday, November 05, 2007


That's one of my favorite words...normalcy. It just sounds kind of sexy. I'm trying to get back into the swing of regular life. My household is moving on now somewhat after the horrible week we have had. I'm working from home today, and I'm going to do my best to get the house cleaned up as much as possible. This might help us feel somewhat removed from the chaos we've been living in.

My grandmother is still in the hospital, but I think that she is on the road to recovery. If you are reading this and believe in prayer, she can really use it.

I really don't have a whole lot to talk about these days. I'm just trying to put one foot in front of the other and hope that I end up someplace not so horrible. I put all of my faith and trust in the Lord, and I believe that things will be fine. Not fine as I define it, but fine meaning whatever the Lord feels is best for mine and my family's life.

I hope to get back to my regular posting over the next day or two. Thanks for hanging in there with me. :-)

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Saturday, November 03, 2007

Beginning to heal

Today marks the first day that I have gotten through without crying since Wednesday. My hubby and I were simply not prepared to deal with this type of pain. As I was telling a friend earlier, I have recently lost beloved family members and even a best friend. Nothing has come close to this type of grief and emptiness. I had always figured that when the dogs' times came, we would be able to handle it better now that we have kids. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Wednesday, we just spent the entire day bawling. The hardest part on Wednesday was pulling into the driveway and seeing our dog Dutch stick his nose under the garage door. He and Sheba always do that when we drive up. The realization that Sheba would never do that again hit me like a megaton. I usually eat a lot when I'm depressed. Well, I realized for the first time on Wednesday that I've actually never been really depressed before until this. I scarfed down a turkey sandwich and some chips to help soothe my grief. An hour later, it all came back up and my stomach was in so much pain. My head throbbed severely. Chris and I got in my truck an hour later and went to pick up the kids. I was in so much pain (physical and emotional) that I barely made it out to the car. I just sat in the passenger seat and collapsed onto his arm while he drove. Once we got the kids, we drove around town trying to think of places to eat. We were both trying to avoid the inevitable. Coming back home and dealing with the fact that Sheba wouldn't be there. We eventually came back home, fed the kids, put them to bed, and crawled into bed ourselves. We both just cried and cried and tried to comfort one another.

Thursday morning was horrific. My first time in 10 years waking up without Sheba. I felt like I was suffocating. I felt desperate and sick. My hubby woke up with swollen eyes, and looked so defeated. We just sat there with our arms wrapped around one another. We knew that we had to go to work. We both got the kids ready and got out of the house. Thursday was slightly easier because I had my wonderful co-workers surrounding me with support. I only mentioned Sheba's situation to a few of them...I wasn't quite ready to deal with too many long, sympathetic faces yet. I left work and went to visit my grandmother in the hospital. She didn't look very good. I just sat there feeling so helpless. I left the hospital, went to pick up the kids, and arrived home. When my hubby got there, we fed the kids and put them to bed. We had another night of grieving over Sheba. We still couldn't believe that she was gone, and I swear we almost killed ourselves emotionally trying to figure out how we didn't do something sooner to help her. How could we not have noticed her lethargy sooner? Why weren't we paying more attention to her or spending more time with her? She deserved so much better!!

Friday was the first day that I woke up without feeling like I didn't want to wake up. I still felt like it was hard to breathe, but it was the first day that I felt like I may be able to start accepting what happened. The understanding that there was really nothing that we could have done to help Sheba based on all of the factors (her age, lack of showing signs anything was wrong, etc...) gave us the slightest comfort. I was off work, and spent the better part of the day in the hair salon. I left there and went to pick up the kids. I took the kids home, fed them, and put them to bed. My hubby came home from studying a few hours later, and revealed that he had gone to the Humane Society to look at puppies. He admitted to breaking down into tears while wrestling with the decision of whether or not to get another pet. The entire time we've had our dog Dutch, Dutch has always had Sheba as a playmate/companion. He's appeared a little lonely when we've left the house the last few days; it's as if he knows something is not right. We are dreading getting another puppy; we don't want to feel as though in some way we are trying to replace Sheba. But in our hearts, we know that we need another pet. As my hubby put it, we are a two-dog family, and we really need a big burst of love right now to help mend our broken hearts. I jumped on-board with the idea, so we'll see where this leads us.

Saturday (today) - The first day I didn't wake up crying. I actually got up, and walked over to the window and looked out at the beautiful day. I didn't feel angry, depressed, or anything negative. I felt like the Lord was telling me to hold on, and joy would come sooner than I think. This feeling gave me a lot of hope and sustained me today. My hubby must have felt the same thing, because around 9am he decided that we should all spend the ENTIRE day together. No studying, no sleeping the day away, no running errands...just family bonding. So at 10am we all jumped in the truck and went to Cracker Barrel. The kids were especially good today which helped. The hubby and I actually laughed and smiled today for the first time in weeks. (We were already having a series of unfortunate events before the situation with Sheba occurred) We rode through town with the kids watching "The Incredibles" while hubby and I shared funny memories of old times that mostly included Sheba. We drove past our first apt as a married couple, which included Sheba. We drove past parks and other places that the three of us (Hubby, Sheba and myself) had frequented over the years. We actually had a pretty good day today filled with joy. Our day included my spending a couple of hours visiting my grandmother at the hospital. She looked better today than she has since she's been there. I believe she's getting better finally. Praise God!

I think that we're out of the woods now. I will take it one day at a time.

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