Saturday, April 28, 2007

Maximizing the weekends

I'm so glad that it's Saturday. For the past 8 or 9 months, I have found myself dreading the weekends because I know that I will be alone with the kids by myself for almost the entire time while Chris is away studying. As much as I long for and thrive on time with my little munchkins, being with them by myself for hours and hours for a couple of days in a row just wears me out. This is entirely because I am not a consistent person. The previous statement describes every aspect of my life, including my parenting skills. The kids know this, and take advantage of it most of the time. Thus, I end up doing a lot of yelling in the form of, "Stop it! Put that down! Go to bed! Stop hitting your brother!" and not the Alec Baldwin form of yelling, if you know what I mean.

Well, lately, I've been enjoying Saturdays a little more. Instead of sitting around a house that is a pile of chaos topped with disorganization, I have started maximizing my Saturdays and Sundays. Friday evenings, I get all of the obvious clutter cleaned up (laundry that needs to be put away, mail all over the kitchen table, kids toys in places they shouldn't be, etc...) This means that when I awake on Saturday morning and begin looking into the possibilities for Saturday, I'm not completely overwhelmed with clutter everywhere in the house. Therefore, thought of getting the kids out of the house to go visit friends, to a park, or wherever doesn't feel like such a tiresome event. Last Saturday, we took the kids to the park near our home. We had a GREAT time! Today we went to a Family and Friends community event that my brother-in-law had at his church. It was an all out blast!!

It took me 3 1/2 years to figure this one out!

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Diversity Training

There's a show on Comedy Central that I have yet to actually watch called "Dog Bites Man".

Please watch this hilarious parody of Corporate Diversity Training. Again, more needed laughter ensued after watching this.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Being there

Please forgive the rambling below...I have had a lot on my mind today.

For the past six months, I have had a tremendous burden on my heart for my co-worker, Stephen, and his family due to the illness of his infant daughter Kaylie. Anyone who knows about their situation has felt severe heartache for them, but as I've mentioned before, when you actually become a parent, it literally feels like EVERY child belongs to you. The same raw emotion that you feel for your own child, is felt for other children as well.

As I've also mentioned before, Stephen kept a daily blog with up-to-date pictures of Kaylie, and insight into how she was doing. As one commenter on Stephen's blog put it best, Stephen shared Kaylie with us. She feels like a part of my family, a part of my life, and a big part of my heart. I prayed for her consistently, and had faith that the Lord's will would be done in her life. My specific prayers for Kaylie included complete joy, happiness, all the things that a pure, innocent, precious baby should have. I prayed for her healing, that she could remove the Bipap masks and tubes, and run and play. Kaylie's 1st birthday was Friday, and I wanted to visit her in the hospital and take her a present. Realistically, it is virtually impossible for me to drive long distances across metro-Atlanta during the week. Olan and Cassie are 37 miles apart during the day, and I take them to, and pick them up from their respective locations every morning and evening. But I felt the urge to see Kaylie this weekend. I have never met her in person, and the immediate need to finally see her, hold her little hands, and pray over her was rousing inside my spirit. When I found out yesterday that Kaylie passed away Saturday afternoon it tore my heart apart.

I keep playing over and over in my mind all the opportunities I could have had to visit Kaylie. Yes, it would have been pretty tough, and I would have had to inconvenience a few people, but it could have been done. But every time I seriously considered dropping by the hospital to see Kaylie, I kept wondering if I would be intruding on the family's time with her. My co-worker and I aren't exactly friends, but now I keep wondering if that really matters in the grand scheme of things. He and I share the bond of parenthood, and that's probably enough.

I don't know. I keep going back and forth with this. Maybe this is a part of the process that one goes through when they unexpectedly lose someone that meant a lot to them. I feel such an overwhelming sadness and grief for the family. I will be attending the visitation and viewing tomorrow evening and I am extremely nervous about it. I have never been to a funeral for a child, let alone an infant. Even as a Christian adult who understands that death is as much a part of life as living, this particular situation really got to me in ways that nothing ever has before. I hope that by being there, the show of support will mean something to the family.

Please keep the Goddard family in your prayers. They will really need them as time goes forward.

P.S. Please remember Chris's Aunt Joan in your prayers also. She has surgery tomorrow, and I am a little concerned about her health.



Immediately after typing this post and rereading it, I realized something. My specific prayers for Kaylie were answered. Just not in the way that I wanted. The prayers I sent to the Lord for Kaylie to be free from the hospital, the tubes and O2 masks, and finally able to run and play...those things have been bestowed upon her now. It's hard not to be selfish and wish she were still here; I'm sure the Lord understands this fallible, human nature. But I can praise God with a sincere heart for answering all of our prayers for this precious baby. She is finally home in paradise, and those of us who followed her daily life for the past 6 months are better off for having known her.


From smooth to spazzed out in 15 seconds

I found the funniest video on Jeff Dauhler's blog. This gave me a huge laugh, which I definitely needed today.

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Sunday, April 22, 2007


I found out within the last hour that my co-worker Stephen's daughter, Kaylie, passed away yesterday afternoon. I feel complete anguish for Stephen and his family right now. For the last 6 months, I have prayed for Kaylie, and hoped that she would pull through her condition and have a healthy life here on earth. I can honestly say that I was completely unprepared to hear this news today.

My heart grieves with this family. Even though I have been crying since I found out, I am still only feeling a tiny blip compared to what the family is experiencing. I hope that they soon find comfort from the fact that Kaylie will never have to go through another rough day ever again. She is no longer confined to a bed, or a mask to receive oxygen. Yesterday was the beginning of a life of sublime happiness free from sickness for Kaylie.

Kaylie Goddard

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Friday, April 20, 2007

And the father of the year award goes to...

Alec Baldwin. Except, not really. This has been circulating all morning. Such a jerk...can't stand him. And that was before this all happened.

[Audio made available by]

Also, check out the update to my earlier post "Don Imus: First And (Hopefully) Final Word"

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Very tough day


Please also head over to The Thomas Chronicles to read a moving account of the VTech professor who risked, and ultimately gave his life for the safety of his students. He lived God's second greatest commandment to the fullness of its intent. "...'Love your neighbor as yourself' Matthew 22:39

Now that we are beginning to have names and faces associated with the victims of yesterday's horrific tragedy on the campus of Virginia Tech, there is a heaviness that gets added to the sadness felt by so many across the country.

I think about the days and nights I used to skip across the campus of University of Georgia back in the nineties. I felt so free, happy, and safe. In fact, my safety never even popped into my mind. It was a given. Nothing can happen to a young, innocent 20-year old girl just enjoying her life and eagerly preparing for her future, right? I would imagine that many of these precious youngsters felt the same thing before this madman struck and robbed them of what was most sacred...their lives. I am also devastated for the brilliant professors that we lost yesterday as well. My heart, my thoughts, my prayers are with you Virginia Tech.

More info:
I found this on Michelle Malkin's site; a tribute to one of the slain youngsters (he's in the middle)

Tons of info on the shooter over at HotAir

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Monday, April 16, 2007

Shooting at Virginia Tech: At least 31 dead

This is absolutely terrifying. I know that nothing is safe anymore, but this is such a cruel reminder. Thinking of young people jumping from their dormitory windows, running for their lives, some not making it,...very horrific.


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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Don Imus: First and (hopefully) Final word

Update - 4/20/07

I found an interesting article about John Kerry a few days ago. First off, he is a liberal, which is synonymous with a general, unwavering support from blacks. Yet, he agrees with me regarding the Don Imus situation. He doesn't think that Imus, who is also a known liberal, should have been fired. If I were a liberal, I would probably be offended. Thankfully I'm not. :-)

I've read so many opinions about the Don Imus "controversy". The assortment of views regarding this situation has been somewhat comical to me. A few such ramblings:

"Don Imus only used that phrase because black rappers use it, or variations of it all of the time."

"Only certain people are allowed to use the certain phrases."

"Don Imus was only fired because of the way that Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson overreacted."

And the list could go on based on everything I've read/heard over the past week. Here's my feeling about the matter in a nutshell, albeit a rather sizable nutshell. Don Imus is not the leader of the free world. He is not my father. In other words, his existence doesn't have a huge bearing or direct effect on the outcome of my life. The words he said were very ugly and uncalled for. I felt a horrible disgust at the thought of what these young women must have felt when they first heard that this statement was made about them. But I stand by my feeling that Don Imus should NOT have been fired from CBS.

He's a shock-jock for crying out loud. That's what shock-jocks do! They keep pushing the envelope to get a reaction out of people. Don Imus was essentially fired for doing what he gets paid to do: offend and insult. Here's my caveat though. If Imus ended up losing his job due to the fact that the sponsors that pay for advertising on his show all decided to disassociate themselves with him, oh well. That would have sent a better message. The sponsors have as much of a right to associate with whomever they wish, as Imus has to say whatever he wishes. But to have notorious race baiters incite a lot of the misplaced anger onto Imus was ridiculous and unfair, in my opinion.

Basically, a huge can of worms has been opened. La Shawn Barber makes a very good point: When did blacks become so fragile and easily wounded by words? Michelle Malkin lists lyrics from current music that spews phrasing similar to what Imus used. But I think that my husband, Chris, put it best of all. He reminds us that no person should ever place an expectation on another to treat him/her better than he/she treats him or herself. Excellent advice for all situations!

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Back to the Future: The Ride

The classic attraction at Universal Studios, based on one of my all-time favorite movies is no longer. BTTF the ride took it's last trip through time on March 30, 2007. Half of the Delorians throughout the ride had already been removed last September to make room for a new attraction based on "The Simpsons". What kind of garbage is that, by the way?

As you know, the hubby, kids, parents, and I all visited Orlando together back in early March. We had heard the rumors, but had no idea that this would be our last time riding Back to the Future. :-( Another classic removed to make room for something new and improved, I guess. It'll definitely be new.

Goodbye Back to the Future: The Ride.

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Thursday, April 12, 2007

Trainwrecks A' Plenty

This has been a busy week. Let's start at the beginning shall we?

Crystal Gayle Mangum - Infamously known for accusing three members of the Duke University Lacrosse team of raping her. This is one of those cases that everyone knows is a farce almost immediately, but no one wants to say it and risk sounding harsh or uncaring. The charges against the three men were finally dropped yesterday. Immediately afterward, the stripper's name and picture were plastered across mainstream media television. That wikipedia picture of her is horrible; surely there's a better picture of her somewhere. But if I had gotten to see that photo from the moment these allegations were first brought to life, I could have told you immediately how the rape situation actually went down.

Mike Nifong - After months of race-baiting, and going after the three young men mentioned above with no evidence to support his case, not to mention hiding actual evidence that was damning to the prosecution, the North Carolina District Attorney finally gave up and removed himself from the case. After the NC Attorney General announced that the charges were dropped yesterday, Mike Nifong stepped forward this afternoon with an apology to the Lacrosse players.

Don Imus - Don, Don, Don...come on now. What on EARTH were you thinking? No, you don't have to be a politician to get raked over the coals for misogynistic, racially charged insults. I have a separate post coming tomorrow about Don Imus. CBS fired him today as a result of the outcry that captured headlines.

Howard K. Stern - Well, he had hoped that he could intimidate everyone into just giving up and going away while he gained sole custody of Baby Dannielynn Money Bags Nicole Smith, as I call her. He was all "lawyery" ( a word I made up) and was pretty convincing until everyone saw a picture of Dannielynn for the first time. She is Larry Birkhead with a smaller body. The announcement on Tuesday that he is the father came as no surprise. I hate to be crude, but does anyone want to start countdown clock ticking down until the moment someone finds Larry Birkhead keeled over on a sofa at Starbucks, or something, from an accidental overdose? Just sayin'.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Developing Story: Shooting at CNN Center

**Scroll down for updates**

Within the past hour, two gunshots were fired within 20 feet of my work area. The story is still developing but apparently the shooter was a 19-year old who fired two shots at his girlfriend's face. He was said to have been dragging her up the escalator (that I use daily to go to the restroom) when he was apprehended.

The most amazing thing to me is that my car is in the shop today, so I decided to work from home. Coincidence? I think not.


**Update 4:30pm**

Sadly, the female shooting victim has passed away. Even more tragic is that she is said to have been pregnant.

As I mentioned above, I worked from home today, so I wasn't right there in the middle of this event at work. I called my co-workers who sit within feet of my office to find out what the atmosphere was like at CNN today. Of course the response was completely varied.

I called one co-worker, and he stated that it didn't affect our group because it happened in the Omni Hotel.

Later I spoke with another co-worker, and he told me that they were all evacuated from our office and relocated into the CNN atrium temporarily! That doesn't sound good at all, considering our offices are supposed to be locked down and a safer location that the middle of the crowded atrium. This just shows you how close the office I work in is to the location of the shooting. Our group was safer out in the food court than we would have been inside of our own access entry only office.

Then I look up at the TV and see my boss being interviewed by one of our anchors! He was apparently able to see the entire thing since he was on his way back into our office from lunch at the time of the shooting. He stated that he heard a loud gunshot, and that EVERYONE in the newsroom began running!

You see, this is why you can never listen to only one person's version of things. Always ask around for a second and third opinion on things. :-)


**Update 8:45pm**

More sad news. The victim was an employee of the Omni Hotel which means she was a fellow Turner Employee. I'm sure more will come out about this throughout the remainder of the week. My prayers go out to her family.

Read what a colleague of mine at posted this on their blog earlier this afternoon:

CNN Center Shooting

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Cpl David Emery Jr

Our fervent prayers are needed over one of our own. Please read here, and lift this soldier and his family up in prayer to the Lord immediately afterward.

Hat Tip:

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Sunday, April 01, 2007

Taking Control

I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. - Matthew 10:16

This post is about me, but I think that it will probably be beneficial for many people to reflect upon, despite my lack of specifics.

For my entire life, I have always enjoyed making people happy. Receiving accolades and praise from my peers (people in my generation and older) is a minimum requirement for me. I honestly believed that I had finally gotten over this, especially after I had kids. But I have recently discovered that more than ever, I have a strong desire for approval from my peers in certain situations in my life. Just like anyone else who needs positive affirmation, there is usually a motivating factor that incites this need. Lately, the source of inspiration has been obtaining more for my family.

Well, I can mark today as the day that I decided to take back control of my life. Now, here's where I start getting a little vague. This is only because I don't want to get into specifics about the particular area of my life that I'm taking control of. According to my site meter records, quite a few people read this blog! :-) But, I will say this in an effort to help someone else in a similar situation as myself: If you find that someone in your life is actively controlling the outcome of situations tat involve you, it's time to relinquish their control RIGHT NOW! You may think that they are great people or have your best interests at heart. But if you are in a cyclical, never-ending rut in any aspect of your life due to a particular person or persons, it is time to take control back. Yes, I am a Christian, and should display a meek, loving personality around others. But I've never seen anything in the word of God that said that I was supposed to be completely stupid and let someone else indirectly make decisions that affect the outcome of my life. If you think this may be happening to you, I would suggest that you pray for wisdom and guidance about it, and see how and where the Lord leads you in handling this.

It's time for me to start getting ready for tomorrow, so this day is basically done. But starting tomorrow as soon as I wake up from peaceful slumber (God-willing), I plan to be the proud new owner of areas of my life that were formerly in irresponsible, selfish hands. I'm looking forward to getting those back, finally. We'll see how things turn out over the course of time.

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