Friday, August 31, 2007

Miraculous Recovery!

You may recall my dismay with the loss of valuable photos from my son's 1st two years.

I had all of the photos saved on the laptop I was issued at my previous company. When I left the company and turned in my laptop in 2005, my son was already a year and a half old, and all of the pictures of him from birth to that current time were stored on the laptop. I had the network engineer download the pictures to CDs for me. Read the rest here.

I had given up on ever finding those pictures again. A very heartbroken feeling loomed over me and increased with every passing day as the realization that I would never see those pictures again set in. So check this out:

I bought a few items on eBay over the past week. My eBay account is still attached to my old Yahoo account that I don't check anymore. Over the past few days, I have been checking the Yahoo account to get the tracking numbers from the eBay sellers so that I can find out when my packages would be delivered. Most of my packages have already arrived, so this evening I went back through my Yahoo mail account one more time just to see what was still in there. I found some very old emails from November 2004 (right after one of my best friends passed away). I found a few emails from my aunt who has Lou Gehrig's disease now, and has lost the ability to communicate with us. I found emails from my friend Allison from before her husband was in a near-death motorcycle accident years ago. Lots of old memories.

Then the thought hit me...maybe over time, I sent lots of pictures of my son out to family and/or friends from that Yahoo account. I did a search for my son's name, but nothing was coming up that was helpful. My hope began fading into sadness again. Just as I was about to shut down the account, a particular email stuck out to me. The subject had my son's name and said "3 months old". My heart skipped a beat. It even had an attachment. I opened the email, and it was an email from a couple that we are good friends with at our church. They were inviting us to a C-Group meeting. Bummer. I was about to close down the browser all together and just spend the rest of the evening reading a good book. Something made me scroll down to the bottom of that email.

Once I got to the bottom I noticed that I had actually sent this couple an email that contained a link of some sort. I clicked on the link and it sent me to...wait for it...Yahoo Photos where there a BUNCH of photos from Olan's birth through 6 months of age!! The exact pics that I thought were lost!! Praise God!! I am so thankful, and I know that this was only made possible by the Grace of God. I had almost started to believe that I'd ever see these pictures again! NEVER say NEVER! Amen!

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Happy Happy Joy Joy

I'm in a pretty bouncy mood right now. In an hour or so, the hubby and I are meeting at Atlanta Fish Market in Buckhead for yummy din din! Afterward, we plan to catch a movie. You see, today is our Friday. :-)

We're both off beginning tomorrow through next Monday, and we are beside ourselves with joy! My mom is keeping the kids tonight, so that means we will have some alone time together. YES! In the morning, we will scoop up the kids and probably head up north to the outlets or something fun like that. Haven't decided yet. If it's as cooled down outside as the past few days have been, we might actually brave Stone Mountain or Grant Park. We'll see! The original plan was to visit the family in Alabama, but we ended up spending WAY too much money over the past two weeks. We're nervous about blowing all of our money on gas and food over the next couple of days, so we're going to keep our little hind parts right here in good ole GA this time.

Either way, I'm really feeling good right now. To top things off, this may have been the most productive week that I've ever had. No, seriously. Everything that I set out to do at the beginning of the week has been done. That leaves me with a satiated feeling that I can't describe.

I wish you joy and happiness, contentment at the very least, for this holiday weekend. Stay safe and get some stop, Thanksgiving!! :-)

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let's help South Africa and The Iraq

Poor Miss Teen South Carolina. The saddest thing about all of this is that she represents South Carolina quite accurately, in my humble opinion. At least she's pretty...that'll take her quite far for a little while.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Movie Clip of the Week

I have a weird sense of humor. There are certain things that are just hilarious to me that I cannot explain. Each Tuesday, I'll start choosing a clip from a movie to display. The clip featured will represent what I think is the funniest moment in the movie. In some cases, it will also display my odd funny bone. :-)

This week we have Jon Lovitz's cameo in the movie "The Wedding Singer". One of my all time favorites. "Well, good luck finding a DJ who can move and shake LIKE THIS". Classic. :-)

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Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday morning blues

I'm in a MUCH better mood than I was last time I posted, but this day hasn't started off so hot either...

The dogs slept in our bedroom last night. That's not such a huge deal to me, except for the fact that I have apparently developed an allergic reaction to one of them over the past year. Whenever they are in the room, I notice that my nose starts itching a lot and the back of my throat feels tickly. Quite the ideal sleeping conditions. Also, one of them has a serious flatulence issue which is only annoying when they're in a closed bedroom with me while I'm trying to sleep. From 4am on, I kept waking up. It was mildly annoying, but it could have been worse.

I woke up at 5:20am. I had to drop off both kids since my husband has to get his car serviced. I'm stumbling around the room in the dark in an attempt to disturb my husband as little as possible. I'm putting my outfit together while getting the kids clothes together as well. My daughter started being slightly uncooperative which caused me to get annoyed. My volume increased somewhat which ended up waking up my husband anyway. By the time the kids and I leave the house at 6:25am, I'm pretty annoyed.

I drop off my son, and he is in tears. I HATE dropping him off so early in the morning, because there are so few kids there at that time. There are 10 year olds there with 2 year olds all in a little circle waiting on breakfast. It depresses me for some reason. The fact that my son began crying when I left was really tough.

Then, I drove all the way to Decatur to drop off my daughter at my mom's house. I was already annoyed and frustrated by that time. The traffic in Decatur is so utterly ridiculous that I just threw in the towel. It takes more time to get from my mom's house to the interstate exit, than it does to get from the interstate exit to CNN. That's just not right.

Actually, once you exit at Spring Street to get to CNN, you're back in traffic hell again. I was so irritated by then, that the fact that my blouse was missing its center button only drove me a little more insane than it normally would have. I kept telling myself to stay positive and stay thankful.

I got to the office and realized that I had COMPLETELY forgotten about something I was supposed to take care of first thing this morning. Wasn't even on the radar. Thankfully, that all worked out for the best anyway...I needed to put that task off a little longer.

I need to reevaluate how I deal with things. This was an amazing weekend, and I have allowed a few minutes of frustration to almost push me into a very bad place emotionally. But, amazingly, two happy things just occurred to me. First of all, this is only a four-day week for me; the family and I are leaving for Mobile this weekend. Secondly, I just realized that I have an extra shirt in my trunk. That was definitely God's morning reminder to me to focus on being thankful, even during the bad times. He always takes care of the rest. :-)

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Setting boundaries

Warning: Before reading below, bear in mind that I'm having a slightly witchy day today.

I'm really beginning to understand what it's like to constantly be around someone who doesn't understand "boundaries". I was actually born this way; I just never realized it until I got older and starting maturing. I was one of those people who would just wander over into people's private conversations and either 1) just start talking, or 2) just sit there and listen. I was the type of person that the funny phrase "This is an A & B conversation, so C your way out!" was created for!

Well you tend to grow out of certain things as you get older, I suppose. Most of us do, anyway. Growing up, getting into a stable relationship with a significant other, having children...some things just cause you to mature in leaps and bounds. And now, I think I'm paying for all of the annoyance I caused others while going through my growing pains in my 20's. :-)

But now...there's just this one person. They just won't stop! Honestly, this person has MAJOR issues with boundaries. Once, I was walking while talking on my cell phone to someone. This person comes walking up to me and tries to give me a hug WHILE I'm on the phone! Oh, it gets worse. Later, they came by to see me privately and asked, "So who was that you were talking to on the phone?" Seriously, WTF??

Maybe I'm just being cranky. There's been a whole lot on my mind, and I wondered how it was going to make its way out. :-) I tend to be very emotional about things. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. After all, it will be Friday. THANK GOD!!!


Maybe I should say something to this person. That's how I learned. I have a husband who was more concerned about me being secretly hated by everyone I'm around, than he was about my feelings. Trust me, if you're a nice person, but you have the issues described above, people are talking about you behind your back ALL OF THE TIME. I know, because they come over to me and vent after they just got back from being in your presence while laughing at everything you said as if you were the funniest, coolest person they've ever met! </rant> :-)


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Before Crack...After Crack

I'm a big fan of Amy Winehouse's albums. I find these before and after photos very troubling. I really do wish her the best; clearly her life has been really tough.

Update - I guess having crappy parents can contribute to this.

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

How Smart Are You?

Here's a cool quiz that I found on the Unseen Blogger's blogspot. Since I did well, I'll post my results. :-) I took the test in exactly 5 minutes, and I got 24 out of 25 correct. Give it a try.

How smart are you? - Are you dumb?


Ella, ella,

Who doesn't love Rhianna's hit "Umbrella" ? It's easily the biggest hit of 2007. Even though Rhianna is interestingly classified as an R&B singer (due to her race, no doubt - I'll save that for another post) her hits have had CRAZY crossover appeal. Her song "SOS" was the hit of Summer 2006. I don't know anyone who doesn't start bobbing their head or finds themselves "steering wheel dancing" when her songs come on the radio. Click directly below to view the video for Umbrella (if you can patiently endure the first 20 seconds of Jay Z's rapping). This post continues after the video below.

This brings me to the point of this post. One of my favorite shows is called "The Hills". Stop laughing. I love that show! (Also good for another intriguing post) During a club scene in Episode 2 of the new season last week, "Umbrella" began playing to set the mood of a night at the club. Later, as the show was ending, the mood was much more somber and reflective and the song playing was..."Umbrella". But it was a different version. The voice singing it was NOT Rhianna's. It was a more soft, "breathy" version. I loved it! The singer was Marie Digby. Her version sounds amazing, and I honestly can't choose which version I like more! Check out her version of the song on Youtube:

Then I visited one of the best gossip blogs in existence, this afternoon. I found out that they also discovered this cover of Rhianna's "Umbrella" after watching "The Hills". See, I'm not the only one! :-) It turns out that Mandy Moore, one of my favorites, actually has a cover of this song out right now as well. Good stuff!!

Interesting discussion about this on ConcreteLoop - especially in the comments section.

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Spousal Advice of the Day

My husband gives the best advice. The times that I have heeded it, I have been saved lots of heartache and potential disaster. The Lord has blessed him with a lot of foresight and wisdom that most people just don't have. As an example, I think of all of the times years back that he told me not to worry over certain stressful situations at work with certain people based on what he knew would be the resulting outcome. He was right EVERY SINGLE TIME. I can now sit back and smile when I think of the people that I could wasted my time stressing over who are now having to face the consequences of their actions. I am not smiling due to happiness that they are suffering; it's purely a satisfaction that the Lord is true to His word and will not be mocked. Ever.

This afternoon, the hubby and I discussed my goals for our family and my career. He noted that I have a propensity toward living my life on a roller coaster...only highs and lows. I don't live my life with a normal, natural progression of learning and growing as I should. For example, I decided last week that by the end of August, I want to complete two technical books that I own (high). So I was planning to read two technical books, take care of my two toddlers, keep my house in order, work 40 hours per week, and spend time with my family and friends from time to time. My husband pointed out that this would leave me NO time for sleeping, eating or exercising. LOL! But if he hadn't pointed this out to me, I would have attempted this feat doomed for failure, and by mid-September, I'd be convincing myself of why I suck and will never, ever be successful (low). This is the story of my life; it's so cyclical. At the end of each cycle, I'm that much more convinced that I will never successfully reach my goals.

So my soul-mate gave me sage wisdom that I want to share: less is more. We can all stand to improve. Choose one thing to improve upon, and focus on that one thing. The key is to get better, and that only happens gradually. Okay, sure, if pack your brain with a lot of information at once you may pick up enough knowledge to impress others temporarily. But long-term, how productive will you really be with bits of knowledge that you rushed through? Exactly.

Hopefully this advice will actually stick, and won't roll off and out of existence as soon as I get to my desk tomorrow morning. Because heeding this advice could really be what I've needed for a very long time.

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Friday, August 17, 2007

10 Things I Like About Myself

I borrowed this idea from Liz's blogspot. The flaws are so much easier to keep up with that I forget sometimes that I actually have positive traits.

1) I smile 95% of the time. I am generally a very happy person. Even when I find myself feeling down, it doesn't take much for me to start feeling that happy energy that God blessed me with. And since smiles are contagious...

2) I make people laugh a lot. No, I'm not going to be booked at the Punchline Comedy Club anytime in the near future. But I have noticed that when I talk to my friends and family members, they usually seem very tickled and do a lot of laughing. Maybe that's because I'm usually so happy and full of laughter myself.

3) I'm a "glass is half full" kind of girl. A good friend told me today this morning that I'm the most positive person she's ever known. She said that whenever she feels down, she thinks of me and how I would smile and keep going. That was such a blessing to have her tell me that! :-)

4) I have natural talent, which compensates for my lack of drive, to some degree. I love that fact that WHENEVER I have been serious about anything for more than 2 weeks, I end up being successful at said thing. The things that I have superficial, temporary, spontaneous desires for usually fall by the wayside to join the heap of other superficial, temporary, spontaneous desires that have gone to die. When I put my mind to something and actually commit to it, it's a done deal, suckas (I'm channeling my friend Loyd).

5) I have great friends of all ages, races, nationalities, economic levels, and religions. I do not discriminate against anyone at all. Ever. I have my prejudices just like any other fallible human being. But I don't treat some people better than others because of who they are. I love that about myself. For example, I'm a black female Christian, and have lunch, and afternoon coffee daily with a white, male Atheist. He's become one of my best buds! We choose to focus on the things we have in common, not our differences.

6) I am able to support my family. I went from spoiled, daddy's girl to wife, mother, career woman, putting my husband through law-school chick. I'm quite impressed with this feat. Most of my friends tell me I'm crazy. I don't disagree with them. But I hope to soon be a crazy, attorney's wife who can leave a fortune behind for her family. Time will tell. :-)

7) I have pretty feet. I have spent my entire life HATING my feet. I've always thought that they looked like little wrinkled sausages. I never wore sandals or anything that would expose my feet for the horrid things that they were. In the blustering heat of Atlanta summers, I would always start every May the same way. I'd wear a pair of sandals and try to pretend I was okay with my feet. But I'd catch someone looking at them and feel embarrassed and never wear them again. Now, that I'm 32, my confidence has obviously soared. I wear flip flops all of the time without hesitation. I even draw attention to them with toe rings from time to time. :-)

8) I have great hair. I've known this since I was little, but now that I've had kids, watched my hair fall out 5 months post-partum, and watched all of it grow back, I realize how beautiful and healthy it is. I've done a lot of things with my hair over the past few years that have allowed it to have a break and grow back as long as it was when I was younger. It's way too hot to wear it down now that it's so long, but I love keeping the car windows down and letting it blow if it's cool enough to go without AC. :-)

9)I am wildly gorgeous. I love that about myself. It's awesome.

10) I am very encouraging to others. If things look bleak, you should call me. I am always looking at the bright side of things in every situation. I can find something positive about anyone. I am your cheerleader.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I Haven't Forgotten You

UPDATE - 8/15/07

Last night while I was typing up the post below, I received a call on my cellphone, but I didn't recognize the number so I didn't answer. I got a call from that same number this afternoon at 3pm, and when I answered it was my next door neighbor. She was calling to tell me that one of our neighbors (her next door neighbor) had passed away last night. He was an older gentleman and his health had been failing, but I wasn't prepared to hear this. He's always been such a great supportive neighbor. My heart aches for his wife. Now she will be living all alone in that house. This is really shocking.

Now I understand what that feeling was on my heart last night when I was going on and on about death last night. Amazing. :-(

I found a website a few moments ago where a few people post comments on songs, movies, etc,...that they enjoy. When I went to a page containing Annie Lenox's "Into the West" a few kids commented that Garrett Middle School dedicated this particular song to one of their students earlier this year during a performance by the school choir. That student was Chrisondra Kimble, who was a member of that same school choir before she died a few months prior.

I'm feeling extremely heartbroken right now. I can't explain it at this time, but I can't get the deaths of Chrisondra Kimble and Del Mattox off of my mind tonight. They were brutally murdered back in April of this year. I thought that I had already grieved over them, but I honestly believe that my heart went completely numb after dealing with the devastating blow of the death of Nyia Page back in February. I grieved for that baby for a long time. After hearing the news of Chrisondra and Del followed days later by the death of my co-worker's daughter Kaylie, my heart just couldn't take anymore.

I don't question the Lord. He is supreme and knows all. I just wish I could take away the pain that their family must be going through every single day and night. We get so busy with our lives and sometimes find ourselves complaining about one thing or another. But I just wanted to take a moment and declare that I have not nor will I ever forget about Chrisondra Kimble and Del Mattox.

I'm dedicating this to people in my life that I loved who are no longer physically present as of recently, but remain in my heart:

Veronica Berry (stylist)
Bryant Jackson (best friend from High School)
Gwendolyn Armstrong (my beloved aunt)
HF Shepherd (childhood pastor)
Catherine Givan (my husband's beloved aunt)

Into The West

Lay down,
your sweet and weary head.
Night is falling.
You have come to journey’s end.

Sleep now,and dream
of the ones who came before.
They are calling,
from across a distant shore.

Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see.
All of your fears will pass away.
Safe in my arms,
you’re only sleeping.

What can you see,
on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea,
a pale moon rises.
The ships have come,
to carry you home.

And all will turn,
to silver glass.
A light on the water.
All souls pass.

Hope fades,
Into the world of night.
Through shadows falling,
Out of memory and time.

Don’t say,
We have come now to the end.
White shores are calling.
You and I will meet again.
And you’ll be here in my arms,
Just sleeping.

What can you see,
on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea,
a pale moon rises.
The ships have come,
to carry you home.

And all will turn,
to silver glass.
A light on the water.
Grey ships pass
Into the West.

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Taser used on father holding newborn daughter

I'm very interested on hearing the details of this story. I'd like to know what excuse a hospital security worker could possible give for stunning a father holding his day-old baby. The baby was thrown to the floor as the father went crashing down due to the use of the taser. This happened in Houston, TX.

Supposedly, the new father and mother felt as though they weren't being treated well in the hospital, so they decided to go home with their baby. There is videotape of the father walking toward the elevators holding his newborn. The elevators wouldn't open because the baby was still wearing her wristband which disables the elevators and electric doors of the hospital upon attempted exit. There is apparently footage of two security guards walking upon the father without warning and shooting the stun gun into him sending him and his baby to the floor.

I try really hard not to comment on things without explicit details, so I'll refrain from further comment until there is more information available about this story.

Read more:


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Friday, August 10, 2007

Why is IE still in existence?

Now that we have Firefox, I just don't understand what good Internet Explorer does anyone. I'm sure that my problem is that I'm looking at things strictly from the perspective of a developer. But a new Gmail Notifier bug related to IE has been brought to my attention and I'm particularly annoyed about it.

If you have Gmail notifier installed on your PC, you probably are a Firefox, Opera, or Safari user. Well if someone asks you if they can check their email account on your computer, be sure to ask a couple of questions first: 1) Are you using free web-based email, and if so is it Gmail? 2) If the answer is yes, which browser are you planning to use?

These questions are important. There is apparently an existing Gmail notifier bug where if a person checks their Gmail account via Internet Explorer and instead of logging out of IE they simply close the browser, whatever gmail username and password they use for their Gmail account are captured and stored in your Gmail notifier from that time forward. It doesn't matter that you're using your own username and password you use to login to Gmail notifier, dude. The other person's messages will continue to display from now until kingdom come.

The way to get around this is to access Gmail via Internet Explorer (*shudder*) and signoff the other person's account. Afterward you should be able to access your own email via gmail notifier once you login with your username and password. Just annoying.

Source: ["On a path: technology archives"]

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Yankees fans are on another level

As much of a snooze as I find televised baseball, one of my favorite summer pasttimes is going to Turner Field to check out a Braves game. I love watching the crazy antics that the people sitting around me come up with to entertain themselves during a multi-inning, hitless stretch. The chants they come up with are usually my favorite.

Well, I was on Media Takeout recently, and I saw an article about a gay couple being bashed in New York at a Yankees/Red Sox game. I watched the video and I was horrified. See for yourself.

Then I did a little more research on Yankees fans, and I found out that this "Why Are You Gay" chant that you see in the video above is not reserved for gay couples. Au Contraire. It's especially designed to bash the rival baseball fans of the Yankees that show up at Yankee stadium with the opposing team's jersey on. See the video below (wait about a minute and a half or so).

Of course, there's the argument that the fans are still being offensive to gays based on the lyrics of the song, but I was definitely relieved to know that the taunting was confined to the spirit of Yankee baseball and their feeling of superiority over other baseball teams. Besides, if it's happening in New York (which is in the North) then there can't be any anti-gay because Northerners tend to be liberal and tolerant. Riiiight.



As I mentioned in the previous post, the tragic collapse of the bridge in Minneapolis, MN brought to life one of my greatest falling and ending up submerged in water. The movie "Mothman Prophecies" was the first time the thought of this occuring ever entered my mind. Even after watching it, I dismissed it thinking, "It could never happen; just a movie."

One way that I can alleviate this fear all together is to just friggin' learn to swim. Three quarters of battling this fear would be taken care of if I know how to take care of myself once I land in the water. video has a segment from Mobile, AL with police officers giving helpful tips on what to do if you are ever in a car that should plunge into a body of water. The acronym is pretty easy to remember - SOS-GO.

Stay Calm - According to the report, it takes 30 seconds to 4 minutes for a car to become completely submerged in water. This gives plenty of time to escape if you don't spend the entire time paralyzed with fear and panic. (Especially if there are others that you have to help leave the vehicle)

Open Window - Get those windows down immediately. As they mention in the report, there's a common misconception that one should wait until the car is completely submerged before preparing to escape...FALSE. If you have power windows, start letting them down as soon as the car hits water if possible.

Seat Belts - Undo your seat belts (and anyone else in the car who needs help) immediately after at least one window has been opened.

Get Out - Exit the vehicle swiftly. If all of these directions have been followed, escape from the vehicle will be done before the car has submerged completely.

[Source: CNN Video]

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Tragedy in Minnesota

Many, many prayers are needed. This is unthinkable. My worst fear come to life. All of the local and cable news networks are covering the bridge collapse that occurred in Minneapolis during the height of evening rush hour.


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Baba Wawa...your prejudice is showing

It is becoming increasingly apparent as time moves forward that the host of ABC's 'The View' is not as tolerant as many would like to believe. And it looks like I'm not the only one who has noticed either.

When Star Jones was a panel member, I couldn't help but notice that certain people didn't like her very much. Don't get me wrong, it's difficult to find very many people who were particularly enamored with her regardless of their race, gender, or political affiliation. She could definitely be pretty annoying at times with her tendency to hijack many of the discussions and her never-ending focus on her wedding. But I never despised her the way many others did. When I questioned people who seemed to have a major problem with her about the source of their disdain, the responses were pretty consistent. "She talks too much". "She's too opinionated". "Everything is about her". Hmmm, okay. I guess that's enough to cause some people to strongly dislike someone, although most people that I know have many of these qualities.

So what happens? Star Jones is asked to leave the show gracefully while a new panel member is selected: Rosie O'Donnell. Great choice. I mean, Rose hardly speaks at all, and tends to keep most of her opinions to herself. Of course, the consensus regarding Rosie among many of the same people who practically hated Star Jones was, "I guess she can be annoying sometimes, but she's just passionate!". Yeah, okay. We all have a way of justifying things to suit our fancy, don't we?

This brings us to Barbara Walters. I'll make this succinct, yet informative. Pay attention to the way Barbara Walters treats black co-hosts as opposed to the way she treats everyone else. The show is on everyday at 11am on ABC if you want to set your DVR. Also Youtube has plenty of footage of previous episodes. But I will cite four examples of Barbara Walters' obvious weirdness/prejudice against strong black women for your viewing pleasure.

Example 1: Singer/Actress Brandy Norwood appears on 'The View' as a co-host during the Rent-A-Negro period when a new black cast member was being sought out. (See the video linked in Example 2 below)

Example 2: Celebrity Tanika Ray also appeared during the previously mentioned period. Here is the video. Do I need to say anymore? Barbara's behavior is so ridiculously archaic; it's 2007, not 1957, Baba.
Barbara Walters puzzled by Black Women

Example 3: Comedienne/Actress Monique appears as co-host during twice mentioned Rent-A-Negro period on 'The View'. At the time of the interview, Monique had recently given birth to twins. Barbara asked Monique about her new babies in the rudest, most offensive way I've ever heard a 'host' speak to someone.
Barbara Walters asks Monique about her little creatures

Example 4: The infamous Star Parker interview. Black, conservative author Star Parker was a guest panel member a few months ago. Barbara's posture while Star spoke was so tense; she was clearly irritated with Star being there. 'The View' has had its share of conservative guests over the years but I've never seen any treated the way that Star was treated by the panel members. Barbara's face and responses to Star read "Stay-In-Your-Place-Uppity-Negro".

Star Parker can't get a word in

Video corresponding to link directly above of Star Parker on The View

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